By likemindblog


Continuing with this interesting little book someone sent me about Increasing your IQ!

Raising Your IQ Basics

How many times have we wanted to be smarter? Become members of MENSA? Pass an advanced physics course? It’s always that one problem, the IQ, which gets us in trouble. IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient, and is used to gauge the intelligence of an individual through testing. The average IQ is between 85 and 114, the low range is 25-40 (which indicates a severe mental disability) and anything over 175 is considered “Profoundly Gifted”. Ever since the advent of IQ testing, people all over have been trying to increase their IQ level.

There are multitudes of ways to increase your IQ level. A lot of programs are sold over the Internet, but are they worth it? A more common way to increase your IQ is to do “mental workouts”, a sort of exercise for the grey matter. Games made for the Nintendo DS such as Brain Age I and II, and Big Brain Academy seem to gravitate toward the mind workout crowd. Doing mind teaser puzzles, and things like Sudoku or even crosswords can help keep your mind sharp as a knife, and there’s an added bonus: keeping away Alzheimer’s! A few tips which you may encounter:

1. Lay off the television

2. Getting a decent night’s sleep

3. Exercise!

They may seem like simple things, but keeping the rest of your body in shape helps your brain out pretty well. Another way to help with your IQ might be to just sit down and pop some Mozart in your mp3 player or CD player. It’s a short-term influence, but if you find yourself needing some help before a test, try Two Pianos in D Major, K. 448, or any other song by the famous musician. Eating healthier foods also help your body get a jumpstart on mental functions.

Many of the items or websites I have found on my journeys involving IQ boosting, are usually unfounded and do not usually work. In this aspect, please be aware of what you might be getting into if you attempt to purchase an online program. The Internet is rife with scams, and you don’t have to be a genius to find out which ones are. My motto is “be careful if they ask for money!” The best programs I tailor around myself, and use tips and tricks (and a few Nintendo DS games) to create my own specially designed program for increasing my Intelligence Quotient!

Techniques for Better Learning

Before you start cramming for the next mid term take a few minutes and think about how you are going about learning the criteria. Many think that learning is learning, which it is, but there are a couple things you can do to help your self absorb the knowledge better. One simple thing to do is to be in a calm relaxing place for you to study in. Cluttered rooms contribute unorganized thinking. Take time to organize an area in which you are comfortable in. Relaxing is a major key in being able to process the information in a beneficial manner. Do whatever you need to do in order for you to be comfortable. Light a few candles, stretch, or take a few deep breathes. Also you should plan some time out so you will not be bothered.

Another thing that will help out a lot is meditating before a study session. Meditation is used widely in many different contexts. It has been used all throughout history in religious and non religious traditions including in trying to reach a high level of consciousness or enlightenment. Meditation is a process of focusing the mind on a single object and to not allow for any distraction. It is also described as a state of consciousness when there are no scattered thoughts or diverse patterns. In terms of using it to learn it is a very useful tool. Think about it like this, your brain is like a muscle and needs to stretched and warmed up to properly function to it fullest potential. Meditating allows you to calm the brain and clear it of thoughts. This makes it possible to think about something with much more efficiency and clarity. The brain will then be able to process and ingest the information and it’s as simple as just sitting down closing your eyes and clearing your mind of thoughts. Every think to yourself, “Wow I really am good at this.” Well you should more often if you don’t. Just by believing in yourself increases you’re potential to learn more efficiently. Positive thought is without a doubt one of the easiest ways to help you learn. Also having a good attitude about wanting to learn is needed. If you do not want to learn then you are going to have a hard time doing anything. The positive thoughts and attitudes will not only help you with increasing your learning potential but it will also set you up for a good life.

Herbs That Boost the IQ

The following herbs and supplements have been shown in some cases to assist with boosting brain activity and helping to raise your IQ.

1. Gingko Biloba leaves or extracts are known to increase the blood flow to the brain. You can actually eat the leaves (the trees are found in a lot of parks), or buy supplements.

2. Phosphotidyl Serine (PS) is a supplement that has been studied in clinical trials and has shown evidence of increasing lucidity and the rate of learning in those taking it. It apparently activates cell-to-cell communication, improves special receptor functioning, and prepares cells for activity.

3. Vinpocetine, an extract derived from alkaloids found in the Periwinkle plant, is a cerebral vasodilator, meaning that it increases blood flow to the brain. Increase blood flow means an improvement in oxygenation which in turn increases mental alertness and strengthens acuity.

4. Chocolate, dark chocolate specifically, improves mental alertness and has been shown to improve memory.

5. Caffeine also has been shown to enhance thinking when it is an occasional supplement to the diet.

6. Creatine is a compound found in meats. Research has shown that adding creatine to the diet can improve one’s memory and general intelligence.

7. Fish is considered brain food. There isn’t one research study to counter fish as having the essential nutrients to boost your brain, so eat more of it!

8. Olive oil is good for the memory and tastes good, too.

9. Antioxidants of any kind boost cellular renewal and provide “charge” to the brain. Antioxidants are high in any “blue” or “purple” foods (think blueberries), but they are also in some wines and citruses.

10. Vitamin C has been shown to increase IQ scores in children.

11. Folic Acid is good for the memory.

12. Inositol is a natural substance that is found with the B-vitamins. Many believe that it helps to reduce stress and clear the mind for calm, even thinking.

13. Multi-vitamins have been touted as raising the IQ scores in children that take them daily.

There are many “brain foods” out there that you can eat, many of which contain the supplements listed about. Wheat grass and other greens are known to be good for the entire body, beets, as well. Just make sure to eat right, avoid sugars, and drink lots of water and your brain will thank you.

Concentration is the Key

Have you ever been working on something and just feel mentally exhausted? Becoming frustrated because you just cannot think properly is common to all humans. Few people realize though that its just like going for a run. When you reach the point of exhaustion, pushing yourself a little bit further allows you to build your muscles and increase stamina. Well your brain is exactly the same. Next time you reach that exhaustion point when thinking just push yourself a little further. Do a couple more math problems, read a couple more pages, or work for a couple more minutes. Pushing yourself beyond your capacity will only benefit your brain.

Another easy way to concentrate better is simple doing 1 thing at a time. Even though as humans we are capable of multitasking, devote your attention to one subject instead of multiple objects. It may seem too simple to be effective, but it really is a major key to being able to concentrate better. The worst enemy to your concentration is procrastination. Putting off tasks or thinking that you will just do it later affects the quality of the work that will get done. The amount of time that is added to a project is incredible when you are physically working on something but not mentally there. There are a couple ways around procrastination but one of the simplest is a series of 3 questions to ask yourself. The first question is, do I have to do this? Then ask yourself do I want it done so it’s not on my mind? Finally, ask will it be easier later? After asking these questions you will find that the simple questions bring you to the conclusion that this problem is not going away until you finish it.

Studying in a good spot when trying to concentrate is a must for proper learning to occur. If you are stuck a room full of distractions it seems obvious that it will be extra hard to get anything done. Take the time to find a place where you can be free of distraction. Also plan sometime during your day to actually do what you need to. Do not just try to cram in some studying when it is convenient. It will put you under more stress and will not allow for absorption of the material in a good manner. Make sure you are also in a good mind set. Keeping your brain happy will keep you happy when you realize how much more you are able to take in.

Can You Build Your IQ to Higher Levels?

Supposedly, the IQ test measures how intelligent you are vs. the rest of the population. Alfred Binet, of France, pioneered the first Intelligence Quotient test. He wanted to differentiate between “normal” children and those who were struggling. An American man named Lewis Terman revised the test to what we know today as the “Stanford-Binet” IQ test, which remains controversial for the main reason that intelligence depends primarily on factors such as community, environment, upbringing, and most importantly, genetics.

Many of histories notably intelligent people were not extremely high ranking on the IQ scale. The IQ scoring system is often misunderstood. 90-110 is frequently considered “average,” Whereas 130 or over is extremely intelligent, and approximately only 2% of the population achieves this score. Less than 70 are the lowest on the scale.

However, many studies have shown ways to increase your brainpower. Frances Rauscher, a psychologist, found that listening to Baroque music such as Mozart seemed to improve mental ability. Children who obtain music lessons score higher on IQ tests, as well.

Eating well seems to play an important role, as well. Essential fatty acids are impetrative to our brain function. Eicosapentaenoic acid, or EPA, is found in fish oil. Ever noticed how there was an increase in pregnant women taking fish oil supplements? This is why. Of course, eating a balanced diet inclusive of fresh fruits, and vegetables helps, as well as staying hydrated. Exercise is also a key element in maintaining brain function.

Mental activities such as quizzes, books, and puzzles keep your brain in top form. These “mental workouts” keep up your ability to process information, much as working out at the gym maintains physical stamina. Studies have shown these activities can increase IQ scores up to 8%.

Studies show that neural wires transmit electrical messages in the brain. Each neuron covered with a fatty layer of myelin, which insulates and allows the messages to travel at optimal speed; the healthier the myelin, the higher the IQ. Unfortunately, many factors can disturb this function. Some of the most infamous culprits of brain dysfunction are drugs and alcohol.

Positive thinking is a moderately new development relating psychology to physical health. If you are sending yourself negative messages, most likely you will act on these negative messages. Many studies have proven that depression can affect physical health, particularly related to the heart. There is no doubt that this would also affect the largest organ, otherwise known as the brain.

To be continued next week…

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Filed in: Health • Friday, October 28th, 2011


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My name is Michele Andree. I am an artist, I paint musicians in action. I think I’m a musician at heart, my instrument being… a brush, so I play…brush and I paint… music.
I love jazz. I call it freedom music. It promotes special values. I love intelligent people and good conversations.

Some people ask me how music relates to art. Personally I find they go hand in hand. Music is what turns me on to painting. It makes me see colours