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ROSANA MARIA RUIZ was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  Having a painter grandmother, another musician and a mother dancer, Rosana says she inherited all of it!  As she puts it so well: “ I always enjoyed painting and expressing myself accompanied with music.  Dancing and painting my whole life, art has been around me at home and and inside me wherever  I go.  Joy is my point, living in love and harmony with family and friends.

Naci en Buenos Aires, Argentina.  Con una abuela pintora, otra musica y una mama bailarina… algo deberia llevar conmigo… todo!  Siempre disfrute pintar y expresarme en comania de la musica.   Todo my vida bailando y pitando, el arte estuvo en casa y estuvo en me donde quiera que fuese.  My punto es la algegria, vivir en amor ya armonia, con la  familia y amigos!

Rosana, welcome and thank you for participating in this project, it is sincerely appreciated.  Let’s get to your answers to these questions without further delay!

No. 1)  What is art to and for you?  (generally and personally.ROSANA i56

Art means a way of saying what you think or you have in mind and want to express.  It’s a life need for me,  like having a bath, eating or drinking. I need Art to express myself.

1) El Arte significa formas de decir, lo que uno considera o tiene en mente y quiere sacarlo todo afuera. Es una necesidad de vida para mí, como bñarse, comer o beber. Yo necesito al Arte para expresarme.

No. 2)  What inspires you?

 All of life inspires me, landscapes, culture, animals, colors, music, people, everything you can and can´t see but feel.

2)Toda la vida me inspira, un paisaje, la cultura, los animales, los colores, la música, la gente, todo lo que uno puede o no ver, pero sí sentir.

No. 3)  When you are creating, painting, where does it take you?  Where does your mind travel?

Creation takes me to the deepest world, I get inside my mind, and I travel all over my feelings so as to let them become in colors or movements, the latter, I mean,  in relation to dance.

3) La creación me lleva a lo más profundo del mundo de mi mente. Viajando a través de todos mis sentimientos para transformarlos en colores, movimientos. Este último relacionado a la danza.

ROSANA Eran oscuros y de ojos doradosNo. 4)  Do you think painting, music and health are related and if so, how?

For sure painting, music and health are related. They are channels of  feelings, ways of  telling us living stories.

4)La pintura, la música y la salud están intimamente relacionados. Son canales de sentimientos, formas de contar historias vividas.

No. 5)  How do you feel when you are painting?

When I´m painting and dancing I feel as if I were a brush on a canvas moving or a movement in the air describing a color picture, both are the same.

5)Cuando pinto y bailo me siento como si fuera un pincel moviéndome sobre una tela o un movimiento en el aire describiendo el recorrido del pincel. Ambos son iguales.

No. 6)  Do you identify with your subject and if so, on what level?

I believe I have a serious commitment with the subject I choose to develop outside my world. I´m in charge of being and carrying  the voice of it as we both were the same, using  equal identity.

6)Creo que me siento muy comprometido con el tema que elijo desarrollar en mi obra. Soy el portavoz, quien está a cargo. El y yo, tenemos la misma identidad

No. 7)  Under what conditions do you work best?
I prefer working in a quiet place, listening to music, being in connection with my own creation.

7)Prefiero trabajar en un ambiente tranquilo, con música, estando conectada con mi propiaROSANA DSC04501 creación.

No. 8)  Does painting help you connect with your higher self, whatever that is for you?

My painting helps me to stay in a continuous process of self knowledge, this is a way of understanding my soul, my needs, my concerns.

8) Mi obra me ayuda a estar en un contínuo proceso de auto conocimiento, que es una forma de entender mi alma, mis necesidades y mis preocupaciones.

No. 9)  How do you feel about creativity in the public school system?

Creativity in public school system… well I could speak for the country I live in. It was always seen as a passtime and relaxation but now it´s reaching a considering focus level. As a teacher, I´m teaching in private schools, I try to explain to pupils that, Art is necessary for their brain, so as to work and develope a muscle to be creative during their whole life, because they will need creativity to live.

9) La creatividad en la escuela pública…bueno podría hablar del país en el que vivo. Siempre fue visto como una hora libre y de dispersión, pero últimamente está cambiando su enfoque. Como maestra, enseño en escuelas privadas, trato de explicarles a los alumnos, que el Arte es necesario para su cerebro, para el funcionamiento y su desarrollo, porque ellos necesitan se creativos para vivir.

ROSANA DSC04950No. 10)  In your opinion, what could be a simple solution to improve creativity in the public school system?

I don´t know if there is a simple solution to improve creativity, I realized children nowadays are creative but they don´t understand at all the importance of studying Art, as they usually ask me what they could do with Art in their life. Perhaps the schools don´t give the best conditions to develop it. It depends on the background the pupil has.

10) No sé si hay una solución simple para mejorar la creatividad. Los chicos de hoy son creativos pero no entienden del todo la importancia de estudiar Arte porque suelen preguntarme para que les sirve hacerlo. A lo mejor, las escuelas tampoco brindan las mejores condiciones para desarrollarlo. Depende mucho del entorno en el que está.
No. 11)  What are you hoping to teach, to give, to contribute through your art?

11) I hope to contribute through my art teaching  pupils to open their minds, discover new possibilities, express and show what they want to say.

 11)Ojalá pueda contribuir, a través de la enseñanza, a que los alumnos puedan abrir sus mentes, descubrir nuevas posibilidades para expresarse y mostrar lo que ellos quieran decir.

Rosana, thank you for your generosity in sharing with us your thoughts and feelings.  I wish you the best in all your endeavours and until our paths cross again, be blessed! 

TO THE READER :Rosana 216408_169279286460259_157690004285854_366476_8054744_n

You are cordially invited to visit Rosana’s links to find out more about her and her art.  Your comments are always appreciated, thank you and enjoy!!/rosana.ruiz 

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Filed in: ART • Friday, August 26th, 2011


Rosana buenísimo todo lo tuyo, soy cirujano plástico, no tengas miedo no quiero corregirte nada, y ademas fotógrafo mi profesión actual. Estoy organizando una expo de fotos de Colonia en Colonia y necesito una curadora, Te animas?
Por favor contestame o llamame al 15 5808 0845 ó 4821 0499 y te explico mejor

I would like to know what “ARTEZ from A to Z, is, and what you do there, is there any thing connected with photography?
i look forward too your answer
best regards

Qué bueno Ro…felicitaciones!! muy buen reportaje! besos

Gracias amigos!!!
Thanks friends!!!
best regards


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My name is Michele Andree. I am an artist, I paint musicians in action. I think I’m a musician at heart, my instrument being… a brush, so I play…brush and I paint… music.
I love jazz. I call it freedom music. It promotes special values. I love intelligent people and good conversations.

Some people ask me how music relates to art. Personally I find they go hand in hand. Music is what turns me on to painting. It makes me see colours