By likemindblog


PART 2:   Here is the second part of Natasha Turovsky’s most fascinating story.  From being a professional violinist to a great artist as well as a film maker, Natasha has remained down to earth and simple, with a great sense of humour, a generous heart, a sensitive soul.  Once again, Natasha, I want to thank you for participating in this project.  I am proud to present the rest of this wonderful article. 

No. 6)  When do you do your best work?  (night, day, alone, with music, in silence….)

Alone, almost always with music (unless I need some special concentration), at night. Sometimes things which don’t work all day, suddenly click past midnight – I thought of calling it a Cinderella syndrome, thought I think in the case of  Cinderella things actually stop working for her past midnight ….:)

No. 7)  Do you identify with your subject and if so, on what level?Natasha 3

Some works are practically autobiographical, like for example “Audition of the muses by an uninspired artist ” or “Solitude publique” (Public Solitude ), others even if less personal are about subjects or elements which are interesting or important to me, or just triggers some string in me . At times I keep reintroducing this elements or subjects in my works until I get it out of my system  🙂

No. 8)  Does painting help you connect with your higher self, whatever that is for you?

I don’t know what is my higher self, may be more like my deep-inside self .My paintings know me probably more than I know  myself …

No. 9)  Many people seem to think the school systems kill creativity.  How do you feel about it?

14.valseI spend my high school – reading books under the school desk  and doodling in the school notebooks ,which  as a consequence made my mom think I had an artist in me and eventually did make an artist out of me .So in my case I would say the school  stimulated my creativity 🙂

No. 10)  If you agree with number 9, what would you suggest as a simple solution?

Here in Montreal, there are few schools with an accent on arts – music, visual arts  and theatre. Art and music classes, theatre plays and orchestral concerts take quite big part in its everyday curriculum. I think this is the model all schools should adopt.

No. 11)  As you are also a musician, let me ask you this:  when you are either playing music or painting, does one bring you closer to your “core” than the other, or when you are totally absorbed in it, would you say it’s the same?  (I hope this question makes sense, not always easy to put into words)

I guess my “core” is divided in two 🙂 performer and creator. Is it divided in two equal parts? At the moments of their “high”, one is as important as the other, when “down” –  I find it is easier to deal with it in music . Of course my playing reflects something in me, but my paintings are me.

My web site is :7.solitude publique

also more up-to date works are at

here is youtube link with my videos

Natasha, again, thank you.  I look forward to working with you again in the near future.  Until then, be blessed!


We hope you’ve enjoyed this interview with such a talented person.  You are cordially invited to see more of Natasha’s art by visiting her links.  Your comments are always appreciated and we welcome them.  ENJOY!

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Filed in: ART • Friday, July 2nd, 2010


Have enjoyed visiting your sites and reading your articles. It has been a pleasure to learn from them….Thank you for sharing your story, art and music with us.
.-= Cecelia Gay´s last blog ..Party Time- =-.


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My name is Michele Andree. I am an artist, I paint musicians in action. I think I’m a musician at heart, my instrument being… a brush, so I play…brush and I paint… music.
I love jazz. I call it freedom music. It promotes special values. I love intelligent people and good conversations.

Some people ask me how music relates to art. Personally I find they go hand in hand. Music is what turns me on to painting. It makes me see colours