By likemindblog


Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, LUCIO MARRONE started playing bass guitar and composing at the tender age of thirteen.  He’s played with many bands in a variety of styles but mainly fusion, funk and jazz.  He recorded a track back in 96 for a film, an album with Mario Molina in 2005.  In 2006 played in the 5th Buenos Aires Jazz Festival.  And is presently teaching bass, planning his first solo album as well as recording his second album with Mario Molina.

This young talented musician is going to make waves in a not so distant future.  You are invited to listen to a track  from the first  album he did with Mario Molina.

 Lucio, welcome and thank you for accepting to do this article for us.  You have been most generous in your response and is it very much appreciated.  Let’s begin this most interesting article.

1)       What is music to and for you?

Music is a very important part of my life, I think that I wouldn’t be the same without music. Since my teen years I worked hard thinking about my music and doing my best to be a better musician and in that way trying to develop my own voice.

Music is in everywhere and I think that it is a language like Spanish or English, that you can use to communicate, express sensations, colors, etc. Life without music wouldn’t be the same .Lucio DSC 075

Spanish– La música es una parte muy importante de mi vida, creo que yo no sería el mismo sin ella. Desde adolescente he trabajado dura pensando en mi música y haciendo mi mayor esfuerzo para ser un mejor músico y de esa manera tratar de desarrollar mi propia voz.

La música está en todos lados y lo considero también como si fuera un lenguaje como el español o el inglés, que se puede usar para comunicarse, expresar sensaciones, colores, etc.

La vida sin la música no sería la misma.

 2)       What inspires you?

Many things can inspire my music, when I’m composing mostly people, places, the enthusiasm for future projects, etc. and of course all depends on the mood of the day because if my “antenna” can reach the idea that is floating in the air perhaps a good one can arrives.

In a show, share music with good musicians inspires me to try to play better. It’s all about as I told you before, it’s a language and when you are playing (talking) with other fellow musician, you improvise (chat) and that interaction generates a communication which inspires one another in getting better ideas.

Spanish- Muchas cosas pueden inspirar mi música cuando compongo mayormente son personas, lugares, el mismo entusiasmo por proyectos futuros, etc. Y por supuesto, todo depende del ánimo del día, ya que si mi “antena” puede captar la idea que está flotando en el aire probablemente una buena puede llegar.

En un show, compartir música con buenos músicos me inspira a tocar mejor. Es como te dije anteriormente, es un lenguaje y cuando estás tocando (hablando) con otro músico, improvisas (charlas) y esa interacción genera una comunicación que inspira uno al otro generando buenas ideas.

3)       When you are creating, playing, where does it take you?

When I’m composing or playing, my mind separates from the world that surrounds me, it’s like my brain and music are all-in-one, and I sit in only to enjoy music.

Spanish– Cuando estoy componiendo o tocando en vivo, es como que mi mente se separa del mundo que me rodea y mi cerebro y la música se convierte en uno solo, y solo me dedico a disfrutar de la música que Lucio DSC02572estamos tocando.

4)       Do you think music, visual art and health are related and if so, in what way would you say it does?

Totally, in every senses they are related. That’s the power of  music, it can affect every beings on earth, generate changes of mood, sensations, etc. All is related. It’s well known that music is used like a treatment for people with different kind of issues, and it’s a fact that it helps in the development of their treatments for example,: music therapy.

Spanish – Totalmente, en todos los sentidos está relacionada. Ese es el poder de la música, puede afectar a todos los seres del planeta, gerenando cambios de ánimo, sensaciones, etc. Todo esta relacionado. Es sabido que la música es usada como tratamientos para gente con diferentes tipos de problemas, y es un hecho que ayuda en el desarrollo de sus tratamientos, como por ejemplo, la músico-terapia.

 5)  How do you feel when you are playing for yourself?

 It’s in a relaxed moment, I connect with my inner-self and enjoy what I’m doing. It’s a moment that I use to discharge tensions or issues that are “dancing in my mind”, when I play for myself those things disappeared for that moment.

Spanish – Es un momento de relajación, me conecto con mi yo interior y disfruto de lo que estoy haciendo. Es un momento que uso para descargar tensiones o problemas que rondan en mi cabeza, y desaparecen por ese momento en que estoy tocando.

6)  Do you identify with your music and if so, on what level?

Totally!! I identify with my music on all levels, my music comes from my heart and soul, so my music is all the expressions of my Being.

Spanish – Totalmente! Me identifico con mi música en todos niveles, ya que viene de mi corazón y mi alma, por eso es una expresión de todo mi ser.

7)  When do you do your best work?

I do my best work when I feel that I can express the ideas I have in mind. Sometimes the opposite happens, I don’t like what I’ve done but other people think that it is good and I should leave it as it is. I like to have different people’s opinion and see what they think about it, ‘causeLucio1.jpga sometimes you are immerse so much in an idea that you can’t clearly analyze it, and having other people’s perspective  helps you a lot. If when  I talk about moments in day, I like to work at night when all my obligations are done so I have time to spend on doing what I want.

Spanish – Hago mi mejor trabajo cuando siento que puedo expresar las ideas que tenia en mente. A veces me ocurre lo contrario, que no me gusta lo que hice pero otras personas piensan que es bueno y que lo deje como está. Me gusta tener la opinión de otras personas y ver que piensan, y que a veces estas tan inmerso en una idea que no podes analizarla claramente, y la perspectiva de otros te ayuda. Si hablamos sobre momentos del día, me gusta trabajar de noche cuando todas mis obligaciones terminaron y tengo tiempo para gastarlo en lo que me gusta.

8)  Does music, playing music help you connect with your higher self, whatever that is for you?

Only sometimes when some ideas arrive and you’re surprise about them and you think where they come from. Sometimes it happens to me when I watch videos from past shows and I’m improvising on it, and I think what of was happening that time that generates that energy in my ideas of playing. It’s related with the idea of the “antenna” I’ve told you before.

Spanish – Solo algunas veces, cuando las ideas llegan y te sorprenden y piensas de donde vinieron. A veces me ocurre que veo videos mios de shows pasados en los que estoy improvisando, y me pongo a pensar que estaría ocurriendo en ese momento que generaba esa energía que impactaba en mi manera de solear. Esta relacionado con la idea de la “antena” que te conté anteriormente.

9)  Do you think the school systems kill creativity and if so, what do you think a simple solution would be?

I don’t know really too much about Music schools, cause I’ve never gone to one, I only studied with private instructors. I only know that here in Argentina the music schools are really far from the best in other countries like Berkley, which has teachers with worldwide excellence and complete study programs. I think here in Argentina the problem is that they don’t have the necessary budget to achieve that, but I’m sure that there are excellent musicians and educators, and most people from Argentina that want to become musicians can’t spend so much money on  musical studies as happens in Berkley in USA.

Spanish – No se mucho realmente sobre escuelas de música ya que nunca he ido a ninguna, solo he estudiado con profesores particulares. Lo único que sé es que la enseñanza en las  escuelas de música de Argentina distan mucho de las mejores de otros países como Berklee, que tiene profesores mundialmente reconocidos y programas de estudio muy completos. Creo que en Argentina el problema es que no existe el presupuesto necesario para lograr eso, aunque creo que hay excelente músicos y educadores, y la mayoría de la gente que se inicia en el estudio para convertirse en músico, no puede destinar tanta plata en un estudio musical, como sí pasa en Berklee en USA.

 10)  You mentioned in your answer to question 2, using your “antenna to reach an idea that is floating in the air”, I know what your saying and I’m glad you put it that way.  So let’s me ask you this:  Would you agree or do you feel that everything already exists in a ethereal form, waiting to be “downloaded” via a compatible antenna being used by someone?   Someone who is open, connected to speak of?

I don’t know if everything already exist in an ethereal form, but I like to think this idea:

if there is a huge quantity of information in the air, like conversations, data, etc. that you can only decode or download  with some device like a cell Lucio 025phone or Pc, why can’t it be that  a musical idea that comes from some place that only your “antenna” can download in a certain moment in certain circumstances? Of course you have to train that “antenna” and there are musicians that have it more trained than others, like Hermeto Pascoal, who composed one song each day in one year I think, only a few can do that.

I don’t know, It just a thought that I like to think about it.

Spanish – No se realmente si todo existe en una forma etérea, pero me gusta pensar está idea: si  existe una cantidad inmensa de información en el aire, como conversaciones, data, etc. Que se puede decodificar o descargar con algún tipo de dispositivo como un celular o PC, porque no puede haber alguna idea musical que venga de algún lugar que solo puedas descargarla con tu “antena” en un momento y circunstancia determinada? Por supuesto que hay que entrenar esa “antena” y hay músicos que la tienen mas entrada que otros, como por ejemplo Hermeto Pascoal, que compuso un tema por día en un año creo, solo muy pocos puedo hacer eso.

No lo sé, es solo un pensamiento que me gusta tener presente.

Lucio, thank you for this wonderful article and for sharing with us your personal thoughts and talent.  Until we work together again, keep well!

Lucio’s links:


You can enjoy Lucio’s sound on the video and more via his links.  Your comments are appreciated.

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Filed in: MUSIC • Friday, May 28th, 2010


Thank you for your most interesting interview and for sharing your music as well. You are a very talented musician!

Enjoyed your article and music.Many areas can relate to in both writing and drawing. Found your answer in 7 most interesting. Always have a problem when someone says leave it and I’m not satisfied with the work. Envy your ability to seek and accept opinions. Thank you for sharing. Gave me lots to think about….Cecelia
.-= Cecelia Gay´s last blog ..How Can I Tell You =-.


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My name is Michele Andree. I am an artist, I paint musicians in action. I think I’m a musician at heart, my instrument being… a brush, so I play…brush and I paint… music.
I love jazz. I call it freedom music. It promotes special values. I love intelligent people and good conversations.

Some people ask me how music relates to art. Personally I find they go hand in hand. Music is what turns me on to painting. It makes me see colours