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CARMEL GEORGESCU was born In Radauti, Romania.   Although his studies and profession are basically technological, “my love is and remains painting” says he. He is a member of the Tonitza Art Group and a student of  master Dumitru Rusu.  His journey into the art of colors however began at a much earlier time when one day,  in his childhood,  he stood half frozen watching through a window, what seemed to be an important opening.  He watched fascinated by the paintings on the wall and all that was happening in what appeared to him an unreal world.

One of the people he saw there became his teacher and another his best friend, late in his life.  “I refer to the great master Miahi Panzariu Pim, and that is the reason I consider myself a privileged person”, says Carmel.     He has gone on to win several awards in his artistic career.

– – Carmel Georgescu, s-a nascut la data de 26 ian 1966, in Radauti ,Romania.
Desi studiile mele si profesia de baza sunt tehnice, dragostea a fost si ramane pictura. Membru “Tonitza art group”, Elevul Maestrului Dumitru Rusu.

Drumul în arta culorii a început devreme, în copil?rie, când imi  lipeam nasul atins de frig deCARMEL 29,Radacini,Ulei pe panza,Dimensiuni 60X50 cm,Anul realizarii 2011 geamul unde se desf??ura câte un vernisaj important. Priveam candid la ce se întâmpla în lumina aceea ireal?, fascinat de picturile de pe perete. E adev?rat c? unul dintre cei v?zu?i acolo mi-a devenit profesor, altul bun prieten mai târziu în via?? (e cazul maestrului Mihai Pânzaru Pim) ?i tocmai de aceea cred c? sunt un privilegiat.

Carmel, welcome, and thank you for participating in this project.  I sincerely appreciate it and especially that you agreed to also answer in Roumanian.  Let us get right to it:

No. 1)  What is art to you? (generally and personally) 

Art for me is a translation of our existence into colors, forms and marks.  As a painter, I bear  a colored armor.  It is an armor which covers our existence with all the best God could let us see.  Art in general is a wing, sometimes made of iron and facing up.  Art is also a handicraft, once you make it in the right way, using artistic elements, it becomes a superior form. A painter is a handicraftman in his essence.

No. 1) Ce inseamna arta pentru tine? (personal si general)

Arta este traducerea existentei noastre ,in culoare,forme si note. Sunt pictor,deci purtator al unei armuri create din culori.Este o armura ce  acopera fiintele noastre in tot ce are mai bun Dumnezeu sa  ne  arate. Arta in general este   o aripa ,uneori de fier si indreptata in sus.Este si o meserie,ca o faci bine,cu elemente artistice,asta este o forma superioara.Pictorul este un meserias in esenta.

No. 2)  What inspires you?

CARMEL 28.Carmel,Ulei pe panza,Dimensiuni 60X50 cm,Anul realizarii 2011I often get my inspiration from people and their life stories, when I feel them, I am preoccupied with the idea of putting waves of it in my best way.  Most of the times, I start with an idea, rather I should  say an emotion I try to lay down onto my canvas in a certain form.  It  starts with a clear canvas, the same as my soul is in the same moment, than as I place the canvas on the easel, slowly an image is born, my existence in color. 

No. 2) Ce te inspira?

Pe mine ma inspira oamenii,povestile lor,trairile si atunci cand le simt  ma    framanta doar punerea in unda,intr-o forma cat mai adecvata.De cele mai  multe ori pornesc de la o idée sa-i zicem cu strat emotional,pe care incerc sa o torn intr-o anumita forma picturala,fie de la o panza goala ,cum este si sufletul meu in acel moment si pusa apoi sevalet,se naste incet o imagine vizuala,existenta mea in culoare.

No. 3)  When you are painting, creating, where does it take you?  Where does your mind travel?

When I paint, my mind  travels to the house of my childhood, to the color of the house I  felt protected in, to the bridge I used to climb on, discovering wonderful things no one else understood exccept me, to the white hand which offered me a gift I still have to this day.  My mind goes  to the first paintbrush I ever got, and used for laying down my secret dreams.

No. 3) Cand pictezi,creezi,unde iti merge gandul?

Gandul meu se duce la numarul casei unde am locuit,la culoarea casutei care ma proteja inCARMEL Amestec de nori,Ulei pe panza,Dimensiuni 60X50 cm,Anul realizarii 2011 copilarie,la podul in care ma urcam sa descopar minuni pe care nimeni nu le intelegea,in afara de mine,la mana alba care mi-a dat un dar pe care- l port si acum.Gandul meu se duce la prima pensula primita cu care mi-am intins pe panza visul discret. 

No. 4)  Do you think painting, music and health are related and if so, how?   

Yes! I always see them together, inseparable.  From my point of view, when all together, they make you fly, even if your wings are made of iron.  Music and painting together, have the power to transform, to melt stone, together they are like a tree: they host you, feed you, protect you from the sun and warm you up when burning  its wood.

No. 4)  Crezi ca picture,muzica au legatura intrfe ele? Daca da,in ce fael?

Da! Le vad mereu impreuna,nedespartite,sunt dupa parerea mea cele care te fac sa zbori ,chiar daca aripa iti este de fier.Muzica si pictura au puterea,impreuna ,sa transforme ,sa topeasca piatra.Impreuna sunt un copac,te adapostesc,te hranesc,te incalzesc,te apara de arsita soarelui,precum lemnul lui.  

No 5)  How do you feel when you are painting?  

When I paint, I believe I’m in the centre of my universe, I believe I’m in my leaning point.   

No. 5)  Cum te simti cand pictezi?

CARMEL Farame de cer,Ulei pe panza,Dimensiuni 58X45 cm,Anul realizarii 2011Cand pictez cred in centrul universului meu,in punctual meu de sprijin.   

No. 6)  In what circumstances do you work best?  

Most of the time I paint at night, sometimes while listening to violin.  It is interesting that in the early hours of the morning, the painting has nothing to tell me anymore, it becomes familiar to me, and it is the stratum for the beginning of an idea. 

No. 6)  Cand pictezi cel mai bine?(noaptea,ziua,in liniste,cu muzica,singur etc) 

 Pictez de cele mai multe ori noaptea,,uneori in acorduri de vioara.Interesant este ca spre dimineata ,lucrarea nu mai are nimic sa-mi spuna,imi este cunoascuta ,este stratul acelei idei de geneza. 

No. 7)  Do you identify with your subject and if so, on what level?  

I identify with my subjects because when I paint, I go into another world, which is mine alone, a world of colors.  Flowers are for me a way of expressing some of my feelings and human experience, and the pictorial character supports this form of artistic confession.  My flowers don’t give an initial impression of a pansy, a rose or a poppy, they express my personal state.

Generously spread, colors are stretched out in a satiated way, without being annoying.CARMEL Foto Atelier CARMEL Georgescu ian 2011 030 Colors are alternated enough to facilitate the light effect as well as some texture Volume is created through movements of the spatula, and details seem to become apparent by themselves.  In most of the work, be they portraits or landscapes, I use an oil paste to generate light especially since  my drawings spring from darkness or shadow.  I try to equilibrate the sensitive play between form and colour so the picture is loaded with substance.  

Out of the restlessness of his soul, mankind needs dreams to exist.  Time traveling, parallel worlds. I believe we find ourselves again in any of them in  unexpected ways. I need time to understand the flow of  love. What the soul is looking at, the eyes cannot see, what the soul hears, ears cannot hear, what the soul hides is impossible to  shed light upon.  Simple but complex.   Soul is light beyond thoughts and stars, it’s what words cannot describe, that’s why colors exist.

 No. 7)  Te identifici cu subiectele tale si, daca da, la ce nivel?

Ma identific cu subiectele, pentru ca atunci cand pictez intru \ntr-o lume doar a mea. O lume a culorii. Florile sunt o modalitate prin care exprim anumite sentimente si trairi umane, iar picturalitatea vine in sustinerea acestei marturisiri artistice. Florile mele nu sunt o prima senzatie de panselute, trandafiri sau maci, ele exprima o stare personala. in tuse generoase, culoarea este intinsa in saturatia tipica, fara sa devina suparatoare. Culorile sunt alternate atat pentru inlesnirea efectelor de lumina, cat si pentru atingerea unei materialitati picturale. Detaliul ajunge sa fie precizat prin libertatea cutitului in formularea volumelor. In majoritatea lucrarilor, fie portrete sau peisaje reusesc sa ofer pastei o anumita forta a luminii de a se autogenera, mai ales ca interogatiile mele pornesc de la calitatile modelatoare ale intunericului. Materia pictata se incarca de substantialitate pentru ca incerc sa echilibrez jocul sensibil intre forma si culoare. Din nelinisti de suflet, omul are nevoie de vise pentru a exista.Calatorii fantastice, lumi paralele, cred ca ne regasim cu totii in chipuri nebanuite. Am nevoie de timp sa pot sa inteleg sensurile curgerii iubirii. Ceea ce sufletul priveste, ochii nu pot vedea, ceea ce sufletul aude, urechile nu pot auzi, ceea ce ascunde sufletul nu poate fi adus la lumina complicat, ci simplu. Sufletul este lumina de dincolo de gand si stele, este ceea ce cuvintele nu pot descrie. De aceea exista culoarea.  

CARMEL Frunte de cer,Dimensiuni 30X20 cm,Anul realizarii 2011No. 8) Does painting help you connect with higher self, whatever it may be for you?   

We need to die a little to be reborn; we need to wait a little in an isolated anteroom, to get reflected in one another eyes and clarify deep misunderstandings. It is our right to gorge ourselves with star sap while we stare at the sky an connect with it, it is our right to bring light into our day, to enjoy a moment of respite, of universal love. 

I carved myself a sword, a paintbrush; with its help I share my abilities with everybody. I share a guiding light, I am grateful for everything I own.  I am a balanced person in harmony with my inner and outer universe, a person that promotes harmony and unconditioned love in my relations with others. I work with endless expectation of the best moments to come, with my choices,  my vision,  my memories, with my restlessness. Sometimes because of  my weakness, I pass by emptiness and abundance. I already know the moment of abundance but also when it is removed.  I know the value of what I missed.  I am fully aware of my own shortcomings and learn from what I missed.  I paint because that’s what I feel, not for profit. It is my way of expressing  my feelings, my method  of retrospection of my environment, its my way of  showing  my joy and gratitude for being here and now. Every evening I get into a particular mood, different from the last, brought on by what my eyes can see, what my soul experiences, words that enter my heart, words that nourish me, words that were given to me by special persons.  I live through colors, but words feed me. I am in a state of permanent revelation; I feel like a child forever discovering new things, it’s my world, my superb world! I can only slightly master a color, never a word.

No. 8) Pictura te ajuta sa te cunosti pe tine si inaltimea sufletului tau si sa te conectezi? Ce inseamna pentru tine conectarea cu inaltimea sufletului?

Trebuie sa murim putin ca sa renastem, trebuie sa asteptam putin intr-o anticamera stinghera, sa ne rasfrangem unul in ochii celuilalt ca sa deslusim adanci neintelesuri. E dreptul nostru sa sorbim seva de stele privind cerul si sa ne conectam la inaltimea lui. Si e dreptul nostru sa aducem la lumina nepamanteana zi de astazi, nepamanteana noastra clipa de ragaz, nepamanteana noastra iubire. Mi-am croit o sabie pe masura. Penelul. Cu ajutorul lui impart din darul meu tuturor. Impart lumina, calauzesc. Sunt o fiinta recunoscatoareCarmel 165355_175047582526427_100000635596618_420038_7107284_n pentru ceea ce detine, o fiinta adaptata, conectata armonios la universul ei interior si exterior, o fiinta ce promoveaza armonia si iubirea neconditionata \n relatiile cu ceilalti. Lucrez cu nesfarsite asteptari ale celor mai prielnice clipe, cu alegeri, cu viziunea mea, cu memoria mea, cu neastamparul meu, uneori cu moleseala mea, trec prin goluri, prin abundenta, cunosc momentul prisosului, dar si al inlaturarii lui. Stiu cat pretuiesc, prin ceea ce-mi lipseste, am o percepere deplina si clara a lipsurilor mele. Ma straduiesc sa ma desavarsesc prin ceea ce-mi lipseste. Eu nu pictez pentru castig, ci pentru ca asta simt. Este felul meu de a exprima ceea ce simt, este modalitatea prin care ma raportez la ceea ce ma inconjoara, este felul in care imi arat bucuria ca sunt acum si aici. in fiecare seara intru intr-o stare deosebita, mereu alta, in functie de ce au putut vedea ochii mei, in functie de ce a trait sufletul meu, de cuvintele care mi-au intrat in inima, cuvinte cu care ma hranesc, cuvinte daruite intotdeauna de persoane speciale. Traiesc prin culoare, dar ma hranesc cuvintele. Sunt intr-o permanenta revelatie, ma simt ca un copil si descopar mereu lucruri noi, e o lume, o lume a mea, superba! Eu stapanesc putin culoarea, nicidecum cuvantul. 

No. 9) How do you feel about creativity in the public school system, its development with students and even the use of a creative approach to problem solving? 

No. 10) In your opinion, what could be a simple solution to improve creativity and its use in the public school system?  

I was lucky to have the opportunity of working with children. It was the most happiness-Carmel 58013_169801446384374_100000635596618_391225_4865397_ncausing event in such a short time in my life. One hour with young school children, upon  invitation from their teacher, for their first step into the world that is so well known to me. I’m convinced that if creativity is brought to school in form of art education lessons, public lectures, literary deliberations, books releases, exhibitions will encourage children to read, to paint, as well as  introduce them to the secrets of art. There is a great need to implicate  young students in this kind of activities to bring them closer to creation.  By inviting them to events we actually invite the young ones to knowledge.  Where truth flows only the good and honest ones can stay. The place where an illuminated soul creates is a special place.

No. 9)  Ce gandesti despre creatia din scoala publica? {i cum se poate rezolva problema       intr-un fel creativ?

No. 10)  Ce parere ai, cum se poate gasi o solutie pentru a mari creatia si folosul ei \n scoala publica?

Am avut nesperata sansa de a lucra cu copiii. Pana acum nici o alta experienta nu mi-a adus atat de multa bucurie \ntr-un timp atat de scurt. O ora cu copiii de gradinita, la invitatia doamnei educatoare. A fost primul lor pas \n lumea pe care eu o cunosc atat de bine. Sunt convins ca daca vom aduce creatia in scoala prin ore de educatie plastica, lecturi publice, dezbateri literare, lansari de carte, vernisaje vom determina copiii sa citeasca, sa picteze, sa patrunda tainele artelor. Este o mare nevoie de a implica elevii, tinerii in acest gen de activitati pentru a-i face sa se apropie de creatie. Invitandu-i la evenimente ii invitam la cunoastere. Acolo unde curge paraul Adevarului doar oameni buni si drepti pot sta. Acolo unde un suflet de lumina creeaza este un loc aparte. 

No. 11) What are you hopping to teach through your art? I mean what message are you hoping to pass on?  

I wish to teach the art of freedom. We have the right to live our lives as we wish, with the sense God gave us, with the innate delicacy of our souls, without harming anybody include ourselves, with pure and unconditioned love. This freedom needs to be earned,  conquered.Carmel 188882_191563754208143_100000635596618_512088_5070713_n We have to introduce children to this sense of freedom, let them know they have this right.  The same as thoughts have their own intensity the spoken words have power. Words can heal, alleviate, but can also hurt and cut like a knife.  Words have positive or negative power.  Specific words generate their own energy through their own vibration.  Colors as well.

So many times I look through the window of my own world with eyes wide open. So many times I lean my forehead on it when the rain outside lives for me. So many times pieces of my soul were glued by snowflakes and brought back feelings. So many times my hands caressed the spatula I spread colors on canvas with.   My feet  are deeply planted in  a wealthy fertile ground of inspiration.  

No. 11)  Ce ai vrea sa predai prin arta ta cu referinta la ce mesaj ai sperante sa fie primit?

As vrea sa predau arta libertatii. Avem libertatea de a ne trai viata asa cum dorim, cu bunul simt daruit de Dumnezeu, cu delicatetea innascuta a sufletelor noastre, fara sa facem rau altora si noua insine, in iubire pura si fara conditii. Dar si aceasta libertate trebuie castigata, cucerita, in acelasi mod, cu bunul simt daruit de Dumnezeu, fara sa facem rau altora si noua insine, in iubire pura neconditionata. Trebuie sa obisnuim copiii cu acest sentiment al libertatii, sa stie ca au acest drept. Asa cum gandul are o intensitate proprie si cuvintele – ganduri rostite – au putere. Cuvintele pot sa vindece, sa aline, si pot sa raneasca, sa produca durere. Asa cum folosind cutitul putem sa taiem paine sau sa ranim. Exista putere a cuvintelor pozitive si putere a cuvintelor negative. La rostirea unui cuvant se genereaza energiile specifice acelui cuvant, care au vibratia lui. La fel si culoarea. De atatea ori am privit de la fereastra lumii mele visand cu ochii deschisi. De atatea ori mi-am sprijinit fruntea de ea cand afara ploaia traia pentru mine. De atatea ori bucati din sufletul meu s-au lipit la loc cu fulgi de nea readucandu-ma in simtiri. De atatea ori mainile mele au mangaiat cutitul cu care-mi asez pasta pe panza. Picioarele-mi sunt adanc infipte intr-un pamant bogat, fertil, al inspiratiei.

Carmel, again thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and feelings so generously with us.  I realize how difficult translating has been and my corrections are not the best either, but your art translates clearly the meaning of your soul.  Until our paths cross again, keep well and be blessed!


You are cordially invited to visit Carmel’s website to see more of his amazing art.  Your comments are always appreciated, thank you and enjoy!

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Filed in: ART • Friday, June 24th, 2011


Thank you Michele!

Wonderful, Wondeful!!

By Sigal Ron on June 30th, 2011 at 2:56 am

Great work!

Felicitari! Te-am redescoperit, si sunt mandra de asta…

By Debby Zeevi on February 16th, 2013 at 6:56 am

Carmel…you are the master of colour!
Love your work.
LOL Debby


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My name is Michele Andree. I am an artist, I paint musicians in action. I think I’m a musician at heart, my instrument being… a brush, so I play…brush and I paint… music.
I love jazz. I call it freedom music. It promotes special values. I love intelligent people and good conversations.

Some people ask me how music relates to art. Personally I find they go hand in hand. Music is what turns me on to painting. It makes me see colours