By likemindblog


 ANIBAL NAZZARO, a multitalented artist who’s into painting, sculpting, drawing, films, photography, videos, who loves colours and music, and drama, and humour.  Who has a very sensitive heart through which he puts music to art and to poems and to photography to depict Argentina’s history.  Sometimes he appears bigger than life, and yet his smile is so kind and his eyes full of mischief.  So how does one introduce him?

How about just:  Anibal!

Thank you so much for participating in this project, Anibal.  You are a most interesting and fascinating person.  Your art in all its forms, is absolutely amazing.   I hope I have translated your article correctly.  So let us begin:

(English version first, original version in Spanish following)

No. 1 :  What is art to and for you?

 I believe that all is art, life is art.  Art is here … depending through whose eyes it is seen,  when seen with the eye of an artist  he or she can give it form.  When this form is seen by the observer making him or her feel, vibrate or not to it, this form becomes art.

No. 2 :  What inspires you?ANIBAL -DESBORDE

 Life inspires me, life that passes, and occurs.  Good or bad, when something produces a reaction in me, this is inspiration.  I think the whole universe conspires to inspire me.  And I also say I am inspired by art so that he or she who sees, can experience a sensation similar to my own.

 No. 3)  When you are in the process of painting, sculpting, where does it take you, where does your mind travel?

 When I am in the process of painting or sculpting , I feel that I am not there,  it is not me,  it is not my hands, I loose complete sense of time.  It’s almost a transcendental meditation.  It is beyond space and time, expressing what the universe wants to say!

 No. 4 :  Do you feel music and painting are related and if yes, how and why?

Yes, music and painting are related.  All art is related.  With his music, the musician is saying the same thing as the painter is through his painting, as the sculptor through his material and the writer with his words.

All forms of art are an action and reaction causing either feelings of joy or sadness, never the less it is art and it provokes reactions.

ANIBALNo. 5)  How do you feel when you are creating, painting?

 I feel excited.  I want to paint and paint, time ceases to exist.

 No. 6)  Do you identify with your subject and if so, on what level?

 Yes, I do, 100 %.

 No. 7)  When do you do your best work?

I think I haven’t done my best work yet!

No. 8)  Does your art help you connect with your “higher self”?

 Yes, my art connects me with my “higher self”.  It is  not me  in the creative moment, I am connected to something much larger than myself.

 No. 9)  About your artistic musical videos that you put together so well, when you create these, what is your goal?  Is it to tell a story or are you remembering an event?

  Yes. Always I’m telling a story.  Someone else’s story or mine?  I think it’s always  my story. I identify with it.


 No. 1)  Creo que todo es arte. La vida es arte. El arte está allí, depende que se encuentre con los ojos de un artista que pueda darle forma.

Cuando esa forma es vista por un observador que siente, vibra o no con ella, esa forma pasa a ser ARTE.

 No. 2) La vida me inspira. La vida que pasa, transcurre y ocurre.  A favor o en contra.

Cuando algo produce una reacción en mí, allí está la inspiración.  Creo que todo el universo conspira para que me inspire.  Me inspire y diga con el arte, para que aquel que vea, tenga una sensación similar a la mía.

 No. 3)  Cuando estoy en un proceso de pintura o escultura, siento que no estory ahi, no so mis manos, no tengo sentido del teimpo que pasa.

Es casi como una meditación transcendental.

Fuera del espacio y el tiempo, diciendo lo que el universo quiere que diga.

 No. 4)   Si. Música y pintura están relacionados. Todo el arte está relacionado.  Con musica, el musico dice lo mismo que un pintor con su pintura, un escultor con sus materiales o un escritor con sus palabras.

Todas las artes son acción y provocan reacción en aquel que las disfruta a favor de la alegría o las padece a favor de la tristeza.  Pero son Arte y generan reacciones.

 No. 5)  Me siento exitado, quiero pintar y pintar, no existe el tiempo.ANIBAL PYMES_-_THE_GREATEST_ARGENTINE_DREAM

 No. 6)  See above, Anibal answered in English.

 No. 7)  Creo que aún no he realizado mi mejor trabajo.

 No. 8)  Yes, mi arte me conecta con mi ser superior. No soy yo en el momento creativo. Estoy conectado con algo más importante que yo mismo.

 No. 9)  Anibal answered in English, see above.


Anibal, thank you so much for this interview.  Until the next time, be blessed!

 I strongly urge you to visit Anibal’s links.  You will see his art, his videos and get to know even more such a creative person.

TO THE READER:  This link below is a very good video of Anibal himself, also made by himself like all the other ones but this is special, don’t miss it!

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Filed in: ART • Friday, December 11th, 2009


A very good article on a wonderful artist!

Un muy buen articulo sobre un maravilloso artista!
Me sigue encantando la de los zapatos rojos… 🙂

thanks Alicia for your comment.
Best Regards from Buenos Aires.

Un orgullo para mi pertenecer a su grupo de alumnos, un ser humano sensible y generoso….


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My name is Michele Andree. I am an artist, I paint musicians in action. I think I’m a musician at heart, my instrument being… a brush, so I play…brush and I paint… music.
I love jazz. I call it freedom music. It promotes special values. I love intelligent people and good conversations.

Some people ask me how music relates to art. Personally I find they go hand in hand. Music is what turns me on to painting. It makes me see colours