By likemindblog



ANNIE SLIWKA’s story is, in my eyes, so very romantic, that I’ve decided to publish it in full.  – I was born in Paris, France, in 1946. As far back as I can remember, my childhood and my youth were lulled by the atmosphere of nature, colors, sounds, scents, water and lights… I was an only child, and every day I was buzy with my colour pencils, my box of paints, my colouring books and some blank papers which made me happy!… as well as my piano lessons… My favourite expression was :” When I grow up, I want to be a fashion designer !”… Over the years, drawing became my passion… until the fateful moment that was about to change my life. I was sixteen and preparing for the entrance examination of “l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Appliqués” in Paris.

Née à Paris, France, en 1946. Du plus loin qu’il m’en souvienne, mon enfance et ma jeunesse furent bercées par des atmosphères de nature, de couleurs, de sons, de senteurs, d’eau et de lumières… Fille unique, des crayons de couleurs, une boîte de peintures, des albums à colorier et du papier faisaient tout mon bonheur, chaque jour de l’année ! Ainsi que des cours de piano… ” Je serai dessinatrice de figurines de modes” disais-je à qui voulait l’entendre !…                                                                                        

Les années passant, le mal empira…jusqu’au moment fatidique qui allait déterminer ma vie . J’avais seize ans et préparais le concours d’entrée à l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Appliqués, à Paris.

During breaks between classes, I used to walk around the corridors of this school, pushing open the doors of the workshops… immersing myself in these unknown and so attractive worlds. I would imagine that I was already successful in the competitive examination… part of the students… Thus, I pushed open the door of the “COROMANDEL WORKSHOP”!… In the semi darkness of the winter evening, I could see that some of the students’work was hanging on the wall and this seemed to sublimate the softness of the light of a magical moonlight… What a sublime sweetness!… It was so beautiful!… It was dazzling, a great shock, a revelation… This moment of mad love set fire to my life…. I had just discovered LACQUER…

Pendant les pauses entre deux cours, Je me promenais dAnnie Sliwka l'alliance Noble de la veille et du matin 016ans les couloirs de cette école, et poussais les portes des ateliers… pour m’imprégner de ces univers inconnus si séduisants. M’imaginant déjà reçue…élève…Ainsi, je pousse la porte de”  l’ ATELIER  COROMANDEL “!!!……Dans la pénombre de ce soir d’hiver, quelques oeuvres d’élèves, accrochées au mur , répondaient à la caresse des doigts de lumière d’un magique claire de lune ….Quelle sublime douceur !!!! …c’était si beau !!!… Ce fut l’éblouissement, le choc, la révélation… Cet instant d’amour fou mit feu à ma vie… Je venais de découvrir : LA LAQUE…

Having had the incredible chance to be successful in the competition, I had no rest until I entered the class of lacquer. A few years later, in 1970, I was creating my first workshop.

Ayant eu l’incroyable chance d’être reçue au concours, je n’eus de cesse que d’entrer dans la classe de Laque. Puis, quelques années encore ,et je créais mon premier atelier, en 1970 …

I was more and more filled with wonder by Mother Nature and I decided to live in communion with her. I decided to go and live in the Dordogne (South West Region), in a very old house located in a quiet and poetic place where only the birds singing, the wind in the trees and running water could be heard…Nature is the center of my life, whether artistic or private. In the broadest sense, all of my creations decline from it and are articulated around this central axis.

De plus en plus émerveillée par la nature, j’ai choisi de vivre en communion avec elle, en Dordogne ( région du Sud Ouest ), dans une très ancienne demeure située en un lieu de grand calme et d’une haute poésie… avec pour musiques les chants d’oiseaux, le son du vent dans les feuillages, l’eau qui ruisselle… La nature est le thème de ma vie, qu’elle soit artistique ou privée L’ensemble de mes créations en décline et s’articule autour de cet axe central, dans le sens le plus large.

Also entertaining a very strong passion for music, I play the piano and have been playing the organ in a church for seven years. I joined the choir as a lyric soprano of “l’Orchestre de Paris”, where I won the soloist’s contest. Those fourteen years of my life were a pure enchantment! This time was spent touring, recording, operas, televisions and meetings. Including the one with the Diva Miss Jessye Norman, next to which I had the incredible opportunity to sing in concert, in a very small setting of twelve female voices… I also met the Master Mistislav Rostropovich,who held me tight in his arms and kissed me… These moments of profound happiness feed my imagination and my life.

Nourrissant également une très forte passion pour la musique, je joue du piano; j’ai tenu la tribune d’un orgue d’église pendant sept ans ; Je suis entrée comme soprano lyrique au Annie Sliwka la passechœur de l’orchestre de Paris, où j’ai remporté le concours de soliste. Ce furent quatorze années de pur enchantement !! Tournées ,enregistrements, opéras, télévisions ,et rencontres . Notamment celle avec la Diva Mme Jessye Norman ,à côté de laquelle j’eus cette chance inouïe de chanter en concert , en tout petit ensemble de douze voix de femmes …Rencontre aussi avec le Maître Mistislav Rostropovitch qui m’a serrée dans ses bras et embrassée… Ces moments de profond bonheur nourrissent mon imaginaire et ma vie.

Annie, thank you and welcome.  Your story is remarkable and your art incredibly beautiful.  I sincerely appreciate your participation in this project.  As your article is quite long, I will publish part one this week.  Let us get to the question without further delay.

No. 1a)  What is art in general?

For me, art represents the finest and the most complete expression of the “Self”, the most intimate, the most sensitive aspect of the human being and of people as a whole. It is the faithful reflection and the witness of cultures and societies. It is the purveyor of our feelings and emotions and the one which helps to understand and unite humanity beyond any feelings of a lack of belonging, whether ethnic, racial, religious or social… It is our universal link, our greatest treasure, and has been since the beginning of time.

No. 1a)  Qu’est-ce que l’art, généralement?

Pour moi ,l’art représente l’expression la plus fine et aboutie du” moi”, au plus intime, au plus sensible de l’être humain et des peuples. Il est le reflet fidèle, le témoin des cultures et des sociétés, le passeur de nos sentiments et de nos émotions; celui qui aide à nous comprendre et à nous unir au-delà de tous les clivages d’appartenance, ethniques, raciales, religieuses, sociales… Il est notre lien universel, notre plus grande richesse, et cela, depuis l’origine des temps.

No. 1b)  What does art represent for you?
For me art represents the landscape of my dreams, where I can dive in, in order to reach the ideal I project. A sort of diving into my dreams of poetry, of love of beauty, of wondrous, dazzling sights, and of illusions. With and through it I feel liberated and give free reign to my instincts. With no limits ,not time, place, technique nor dimension … It is impromptu, a fantasy where I aim to capture the wonder of the moment. It is a sort of escape, an immersion in another world… my world. By eradicating pain, ugliness and the sickness of society, I reconstruct a new world .

 No. 1b)  Qu’est-ce que l’art,personnellement?Annie S Image (10)

L’art, personnellement représente mon rêve éveillé, celui de m’approcher de l’idéal dans lequel je me projette, la plongée dans mes rêves de poésie, d’amour de la beauté, dans mes fantasmagories, mes éblouissements, mes délires. Avec lui et par lui je me libère et donne libre cours à mes pulsions. Sans aucune limite, qu’elle soit de temps, de lieu, de techniques, de dimensions… C’est l’imprévu, la fantaisie, où je capte le merveilleux de l’instant…C’est l’évasion, l’immersion dans un autre monde, le mien. Je le recompose, en éradiquant les souffrances, les laideurs, le mal-être de nos sociétés.

No. 2)  What inspires you?

Nature, light, beauty, poetry… To transpose, to magnify, to let go and roam wherever … To share my feelings and my fascination for Mother Nature… To bring the viewer into my dream world, to enable him to let go of reality, and so, wrapped in lights, cocooned, captured by deep softness….  to bring him ever further … ever deeper and deeper into in my illusions of softness, tenderness, or to my flashes of anger and fury. I have no rest until I manage to entice people into my imagination, to those lands of dreams where there is no prohibition, ugliness or suffering… This country without borders where beauty, love and harmony live freely …  without concession or restriction…

No. 2)  Qu’est-ce qui vous inspire?

La nature, la lumière, la beauté, la poésie… transposer, magnifier, laisser à deviner, à parcourir…Faire partager mon émotion et ma fascination pour la nature…Faire entrer le spectateur dans mon monde onirique, le conduire à l’abandon, à l’oubli, ainsi enveloppé de lumières, happé, capté, par les douces profondeurs…toujours plus loin…Toujours plus haut dans mes délires de douceurs, de tendresses, ou de mes fulgurances et de mes fureurs. je n’ai de cesse que de vouloir inviter aux voyages intérieurs, aux pays des songes où l’on ne connaît ni interdits, ni laideurs, ni souffrances…Ce pays sans frontières où vivent beauté, amour, harmonie, en toute liberté…sans concessions ni partages…

No. 3)  When you are creating, painting, where does that lead you?  Where does your mind travel?

The aim is to offer the imagination a figure from which I lose myself with delight and try to penetrate the unfathomable… It is about making light and depth and transparency and lines sing and resonate… I travel through each of my works as though in a fairy tale … I leave the Earth … I feel a bit unreal, floating between two worlds… I tell myself a story , set the scene for my fascination of the splendour of the living… I am transported into my cherished dreams by a music that cradles me and keeps me in that delicious euphoric state of hypnosis…

No. 3)  Lorsque vous créez, peignez, où cela vous conduit-il?  Où voyage votre esprit?

Annie S Image (6)Il s’agit d’offir à l’imaginaire une silhouette à partir de laquelle je me perds avec délices pour tenter de pénétrer l’insondable…  Il s’agit de faire chanter, de faire entrer en résonances ces lumières, ces profondeurs, ces transparences, ces lignes…  Je voyage en chacune de mes oeuvres comme en un conte de fées… je quitte la terre… entre parenthèses, flottant dans cet entre-deux mondes… je me conte une histoire, mets en scène ma fascination de cette splendeur du vivant … portée, caressée en mes rêves par la musique qui me berce, me maintient  en ce délicieux état euphorisant d’hypnose…

No. 4)  Would you say that painting, music and health are related and if so, how?

Yes, for me the connection is obvious. Painting and music are the backbone from which I build my equilibrium. They are my breath, essential to my life. Both of them are colours, forms of writing and vibration. My brain translates them into emotions and images. They are the fundamental food to maintain total harmony in my body. If I am separated of my painting and my music for a few hours, or worse, for several days, feelings of emptiness and frustration overcome me, disturb me and make me feel dispirited. Harmony or disharmony directly affect my mood, my behaviour and my relationships.

No. 4)  Diriez-vous que la peinture, la musique et la santé sont reliées et si oui, comment? 

Oui, pour moi le lien est évident. La peinture et la musique sont l’ossature à partir de laquelle je construis mon équilibre. Elles sont ma respiration, indispensables à ma vie. Elles sont toutes deux, couleurs, modes d’écriture, vibrations complémentaires. Mon cerveau les traduit en émotions, en images. Nourriture essentielle au maintien de mon harmonie corporelle en général. Lorsqu’il m’arrive d’être séparée pour quelques heures, ou pire, plusieurs jours de ma peinture et de ma musique, le manque et la frustration m’envahissent, me perturbent, atteignent mon moral. L’harmonie, ou le manque d’harmonie agissent directement sur mon humeur, influant sur mon comportement et mes relations sociales.

No. 5)  How do you feel when you are painting?Annie Sliwka Résonances Automnales

At this moment, I enter a sort of trance, an intense excitement. A delicious bliss, carried away by the music, beyond reality… between two worlds … This is a strange state, anxious over the blank sheet of paper, never assured of what I shall find in the memory of my unconscious. I feel precariously balanced at all times, like walking on a tightrope 50 feet above an abyss… And yet a variety of images bump into each other in pictures, lights, colours, atmosphere… inviting me to order and organize them. In this state of near unconsciousness, I am someone else… I have left the Earth … I dream, I am at one with my creation, driven by a deep concentration. My creation is taking shape, I enter into it, I live entirely through it, with it… It takes possession of me …Art imposes its rhythms upon me and the biological rhythms of my life. I forget the world… I have reinvented another one, a dreamed and sublime world, listening to fundamental vibrations. It is a song, an ode. It is about matching together all natural resonances …

No. 5)  Comment vous sentez-vous lorsque vous peignez?

A ce moment, j’entre dans un état second d’intense exaltation, de délicieuse béatitude, portée par la musique, au-delà du réel, entre deux mondes… Un état particulier, mêlé de l’angoisse de la page blanche, cependant, jamais assurée de ce que je trouverai dans la mémoire de mon inconscient. Je me sens en équilibre précaire en permanence, marchant sur un fil à 50 mètres au-dessus d’un gouffre…Et pourtant, une multitude d’instantanés se bousculent en images, lumières, couleurs, atmosphères,…m’invitent à les ordonner, à les structurer… Dans cet état de quasi -inconscience, je suis une autre… j’ai quitté la terre… je rêve, je fais corps avec ma création, stimulée par une très profonde concentration. Ma création prend forme, j’entre en elle, je vis entièrement par elle, avec elle…Elle prend possession de moi…C’est elle qui m’impose ses rythmes et les rythmes biologiques de ma vie… j’oublie le monde… je m’en réinvente un autre ,rêvé, sublimé… A l’écoute des vibrations fondamentales. C’est un chant, une ode. Il s’agit de faire entrer en correspondance les résonances naturelles…

No. 6)  Do you identify with your subject and if so, on what level?

I identify myself in a certain way. Not in a physical way itself, but I put myself into the scenario. I am present, but in an abstract way, absolutely contemplative, seduced by these fabulous mysteries of life …

No. 6)  Est-ce que vous vous identifiez à votre sujet et si oui, à quel niveau?

Je m’identifie d’une certaine façon. Non physiquement au premier degré, mais je me mets en scène. Je suis présente, mais de manière abstraite , en absolue contemplatrice, séduite par ces fabuleux mystères du vivant …

Again, thank you Annie, for sharing with us so generously, your thoughts and feelings and wonderful talent.  Until next week then…

Part two next week…  à suivre la semaine prochaine!


Your are cordially invited to visit Annie’s links to find out more about this amazing artist.  As always, your comments are sincerely appreciated, thank you and enjoy!


Interview about her work:

Annie is also on Facebook under Annie Sliwka and also under Les tableaux en laque, lacquer paintings d’Annie Sliwka .

She works in collaboration with art galleries, museums as well as on commission.

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Filed in: ART • Friday, December 16th, 2011


By Marie-Hélène Barreau on December 17th, 2011 at 7:37 am

Unfortunately, we can’t perceive the extreme beauty of those gorgeous and captivating paintings through pictures. I’ve had the chance to contemplate her art work with its fascinating depth, within reality. I stay speechless in front of so much talent. Those are creations of high artistic value.
Art historian

Enjoyed the background of your art and look forward to the second one…The paintings are breathtakingly beautiful…thank you for sharing them.

Je suis toujours aussi admirative de ton travail mais plus encore de la profondeur de ton être en lisant tout cela ! Mon papa eut aussi la chance de jouer du violoncelle avec Mistislav Rostropovitch !!!!

Je t’embrasse bien fort !!!!


to be about 800,000 Tamil refugees and extraaiptes worldwide contributing towards the funding the LTTE.Some support the LTTE by choice and others because of extortion.LTTE supporters have been caught setting up organizations, disguised as charities and relief funds, whose sole purpose is to raise money for the LTTE. There is said to be over 200 front organizations supporting the LTTE globally. In May 2007, two Tamils with connections to the LTTE were arrested in Australia for raising thousands of dollars in Australia under the pretense of being for charities and aid for those affected by the 2004 Asian Tsunami, which killed 35,000 people in Sri Lanka, but instead using the money to fund the LTTE Criminal activities include, sea piracy, human smuggling, drug trafficking and gunrunning.Sea piracyThe LTTE is known for hijacking and looting shipments and vessels and killing the crew on board.Human smugglingThe LTTE started smuggling Tamil people to Western countries, such as Canada in order to gain funds. The LTTE has been said to charge between $10000 to $40000 USD for a Tamil person to be smuggled to Canada illegally, while the usual cost of smuggling is said to be between $20000 to $25000 USD, In addition to this people leaving Sri Lanka have to pay an additional few hundred dollars for an exit visa issued by the LTTE. Those with special skills or wealth have higher charges than ordinary Tamils.The LTTE also specializes in passport forgery and in Canada 1990 a passport forgery scheme was uncovered which became official proof of a link between Canada and the LTTE.Drug traffickingThe LTTE’s history in drug smuggling dates back to the 1970s. LTTE provided a new way for them to get their drugs to markets all over the world.In addition to this the LTTE started trafficking and selling drugs to Western European countries by 1984. Tamil heroin smuggling activities have been reported in countries such as Italy, Switzerland, Poland, and France. One LTTE operative in France who was jailed there for two years for drug trafficking has been said to became the chief of LTTE international operations.Arms SmugglingThe LTTE has a specialized branch called the KP Branch , where KP stands for its highest level operative, Kumaran Padmanathan. This unit is responsible for smuggling weapons, explosives and dual use technology for military operations. The LTTE carries out international arms trafficking and has its own fleet of vessels.The LTTE had a shipping base in Myanmar, but they were forced to leave due to diplomatic pressure.However a new base was set up on Phuket Island in Thailand in lieu of the previous.Other crimes committed by the LTTE that bring in funds are, credit card frauds conducted in a number of countries such as India and the United Kingdom. Similar crimes include counterfeit currency trading.


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My name is Michele Andree. I am an artist, I paint musicians in action. I think I’m a musician at heart, my instrument being… a brush, so I play…brush and I paint… music.
I love jazz. I call it freedom music. It promotes special values. I love intelligent people and good conversations.

Some people ask me how music relates to art. Personally I find they go hand in hand. Music is what turns me on to painting. It makes me see colours