By likemindblog

A child comes into this world bursting with curiosity. He is inventive and playful. He is a sponge soaking up everything his senses can find as he explores. Everything is new as he learns to do new things beyond his past experience.

Then one day he begins to learn to socialize which might be considered a form of domestication which limits the individual’s ability to explore, experiment and play. This socialization process creates self imposed limits which can stifle creativity.

In each of us lies this initial desire to explore, to play, to create every day. The creative process, an act of the imagination, turns this desire to create into something unique that otherwise would not exist. This in turn clears the path for rediscovery, redefinition and acknowledgement of the child buried deep within each one of us.

By rediscovering this curiosity, we can aspire to live in the present and not for the present.

It saddens me to think that in art, we are taught we absolutely must master a technique and have strong knowledge of composition to achieve beauty. Educating one’s hand to dexterity and one’s eyes to precision are not necessarily synonymous with quality in art. Ready-made formulas, more often than not, block our freedom, our desire to explore.

The artist in us creates from the heart and the spirit.

The absence of ready-made formulas allows our imagination to guide our memory where courage takes us. This journey allows that which is hidden in our subconscious mind to be released into our conscious mind.

Art allows the individual to grasp the content and dimensions of his inner landscapes, offering one way of exploring the black holes of his universe.

The uniqueness of human experience feeds on meaning much more than on aestheticism. The beauty of art resides in what it says. To see only its aesthetic and technical qualities misses its essence, its meaning. Art allows the individual to grasp the content and dimensions of his inner landscapes, offering one way of exploring the black holes of his universe.

The power of art resides in its ability to light paths that transform one that he is, into one that he aspires to become. Art paves the way toward unknown regions of our universe, toward that space far from our own mental imagery, closer to the genuine centre of our own universe.

Art goes beyond the fear that bonds us to daily life; art releases this energy that emerges from deep inside the human being. Art is ceremonial, an ancestral rite that feeds our thirst of truth and our desire to express ourselves freely. The journey is not always an easy one but one of self-recognition that unveils certain mysteries that rule our deepest feelings.

Art allows us to sort through the heavy baggage of our heritages, allowing us eliminate stagnation and pollution, allowing us the freedom to release our potential thus bringing us back to the initial fluidity of our being.

Art is ceremonial, an ancestral rite that feeds our thirst for truth and our desire to express ourselves freely.

The journey is not always an easy one, but one of self-recognition that unveils certain mysteries that rule our deepest feelings. Art allows us to sort through the heavy baggage of our heritages, allowing us eliminate stagnation and pollution, allowing us the freedom to release our potential thus bringing us back to the initial fluidity of our being.

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Filed in: ART • Thursday, October 8th, 2009

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My name is Michele Andree. I am an artist, I paint musicians in action. I think I’m a musician at heart, my instrument being… a brush, so I play…brush and I paint… music.
I love jazz. I call it freedom music. It promotes special values. I love intelligent people and good conversations.

Some people ask me how music relates to art. Personally I find they go hand in hand. Music is what turns me on to painting. It makes me see colours