By likemindblog

Tony Bunn

TONY BUNN has always been successful at somehow magically slipping out of the boxes in which others would attempt to confine him.  He has spent his life developing the spiritual and mental discipline necessary to broadcast love throughout this shared existence.  After gaining modest proficiency on a number of instruments throughout his formative years, he descended to the depths of the bass section, by the end of high school – and there he lurks to this day!

In the midst of recording an album, organizing a show for its release, Tony still found the time to answer these questions most generously and which I’m sure you’ll find truly inspiring.  So let’s begin:

1) What is music to you and for you?

I used to believe that music was just one of the many areas in which I could simultaneously achieve some measure of proficiency and derive an extreme measure of satisfaction.  As I’ve matured and I’ve done some of this and much of that, each time only to find myself less than a stone’s throw away from some form of the practice of music, I’ve come to realize that music, in fact, is what I am.  When I listen to a voice on the telephone, I hear music.  When I stand and watch as cars whistle down the roadway, I hear music.  Every time I would attempt to change the focus of my life’s work (at any given moment), there would always seem to be a space in me that was incomplete.  Music is something from which I cannot escape; it’s what I see, when I look in the mirror.

2) What inspires you?

Perhaps I’m one who’s somewhat easily inspired, as I’ve tended to find inspiration in equal measure from both that which is profane and that which is profound; from that which is positive and that which is negative. I’m reminded of the first night that I spent alone in a house that I’d purchased; one which was located in the middle of the woods on the side of a mountain, in West Virginia.  My having been a city-dweller for the majority of my life, I was deeply impressed(almost to the point of fear) with the degrees of darkness and silence that were to be reckoned with during the night time there.  I guess looking at things from such a perspective, I’d have to say that it’s the presence of a challenge, of some sort, which provides the ultimate inspiration for me.  And no doubt it’s from the meeting of the challenge that my satisfaction springs.

3)  When you are in the process of creating, playing, where does it bring you?  What I mean is where does your mind travel?

For me, there is a distinction to be made between the mode of creative performance and that of focused composing.  When I compose music, it’s usually a process in which I focus my mind upon a given theme or thesis and then subsequently allow my thoughts to wander to and fro, as I attempt to formulate associations between that which lies in my sub-conscious mind and the chosen theme; however, I remain fully conscious of the process itself.

During performance, the process is one akin to that of programming a journey into an auto-piloting system.  As I give my mind over to the music itself, the sub-conscious aspect is that which is more in command.

4)  Do you think visual art, music and health are related and if so, could you elaborate?

Everything that is perceptible in this world is that which is ultimately the result of the vibration of subtle energies.  The only thing that distinguishes you from me at any given moment is merely the location in space and time of the complement of frequencies at which subtle energy vibrates.  All that exists is related as the subtle energy itself remains undifferentiated.  Distinction is purely a matter of “vibrational” frequency.

The “health” of a given entity is maintained when one is exposed to stimuli which resonate at frequencies that are complementary to the entity’s fundamental vibration; as such frequencies form a harmonic and thus reinforcing relationship with the entity.  Examples of such relationships can be found in the strengthening of one’s appearance by wearing a particular colour; or the heightened resonance of a singer’s voice when one sings in a particular key.

5)  How do you feel when you are playing music?

I feel no differently than I do when I’m not playing music.  I feel almost nothing; although, sometimes there is actual pain, which results primarily when I play the upright bass.  I don’t practice that instrument enough; so I wind up losing the protective callous that forms on the fingertips, due to the aggravated assault that is the repeated plucking of the exceptionally taut upright bass strings.  Bloody fingertips often are the result.  If you only knew how much a sacrificial labour  of Love playing the bass actually is….

Hopefully, I’m getting closer to the point where the “Tony” who contains all the conditioning from this world truly disappears and only the music itself remains.  The most beautiful music is that which transcends feeling, hearing, etc;  it is an expression of Spirit, Itself.  As such, the most beautiful music is beyond perceptible vibration; beyond both soul and sight.  You can’t feel it, but you KNOW that it’s there.

6)  Do you identify to your music? (You’ve answered this one as “you are music”, perhaps you want to add)

I identify with the music as I’m composing it — I guess, by definition, it flows from my experience and being.  However, during performance, there’s not enough time to “identify”, as you say.  It’s kinda like walking; where “identifying” is akin to one’s being aware of every possible motivation and impulse that contributes to the end result of the motion.  If we were to consciously think about all that stuff, the motion would never happen(and we’d never be able to take a step); because the conscious mind would quickly find itself overloaded.

When the music is occurring there’s only time enough to respond via the “instincts” that arise from training and practice.  I’ve been training in the ways of music ever since childhood.  My training continues to this day.

Perhaps my identity is defined through the act of composition, but it is revealed through performance.

7) When do you do your best work?  (night, day, environment etc.)

Usually when I’m awake; although, I’ve come back from the dream world with some pretty cool stuff, too :o).

8 Does music help you connect with your higher self?  Please elaborate.

Music perhaps helps provide an expressive voice for one’s higher self.  Ideally, the music that flows through me is the result of the mingling of the vibrations of all the energy that surrounds(and emanates from within) me at the moment.  Through that mingling, a conscious(or sometimes, sub-conscious) response is formulated and expressed as the music you hear.

Oftentimes, it’s the case that I have no idea a what it is that’s actually flowing through me.  The Analogy comes to mind of One’s not being able to see oneself unless there’s a mirror present.  And even then, when one sees one’s reflection in the mirror, it’s not the same experience as one’s viewing a snapshot of oneself that might have been taken at the exact same moment.

Once again, I would go back to the concept of “Tony’s disappearance”, which would result in only the music itself remaining, if I’m successful at surrendering in such a fashion, then the “Higher Self” has been contacted.  Methinks that ultimately, the “Higher Self” of which you speak is none other than the momentary emergence of one’s direct connection to God.  If one can become successful at the art of “Surrender at Will”, one is transformed into a sort of Conduit through which Blessings flow.

9)  In question 3: where does you mind travel: when you are just playing music or improvising, no necessarily doing a show, where does it take you?  Where does your mind travel?  I mean when you become totally absorbed.  Please elaborate.

I don’t know; but I hope the sounds that result from the journey are beneficial!

Tony, your vision and your values are truly inspiring.  Thank you ever so much for accepting to participate in this poject.   Je te souhaite sincerement un succes retentissant avec ton nouvel album!  Merci.

You are invited to visit Tony’s page on the link below where you can also enjoy some of his music.

On that site, there are tunes presented from his debut album(“SpiritMoves”) and the the latest album(“Small World”) the associated fan page)

TO THE READERS:  What part of Tony’s article do you relate to the most and why?

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Filed in: MUSIC • Wednesday, October 28th, 2009


By Sébastien Tremblay on October 31st, 2009 at 3:16 pm

OMG !!
What deep toughfull answers and person ,mr. Tony Bunn is and gives !!!
I love his mastered and vulgarised answers,with that “suave” touch of his !!
He displays great metaphysical sentences, knowledge (not given to many) and all this with a sense of humility that just impresses me to the highiest point !!

Instead of answering the question does he prefer day or nite for inspiration ?!!
By day or nite !!!!He answers ; “I prefer when i’m awake” !!Just loved that one particulary i must say!!!No segragation there !! lol..!! Respect !!
As a musician myself,i’de like to steal this true answer of his,that i could have certainly not answer better myself,is:” i dont know where my mind travels,while
i,m playing or permorming music,but certainly hope the sounds that result from the journey ,are beneficial !!! 😉 Danke shoen mr,Bunn !!
Peace to you and y’all !!! Ciao !!


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My name is Michele Andree. I am an artist, I paint musicians in action. I think I’m a musician at heart, my instrument being… a brush, so I play…brush and I paint… music.
I love jazz. I call it freedom music. It promotes special values. I love intelligent people and good conversations.

Some people ask me how music relates to art. Personally I find they go hand in hand. Music is what turns me on to painting. It makes me see colours