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MARIO PARMISANO, a charming, charismatic and generous man who believes in and follows his dreams with passion and love.  Mario as performed with the most outstanding artists from Argentina, as well famous artists such as Herbie Hancock, Chick Corea, John Pattituci and many more.  He has also played an important role in the music of legendary guitarist Al Di Meola.  At the time of this article Mario was preparing for a world tour to introduce his latest album “Remembering Astor”.  

And through all that, this great musician found time to participate in this project and I am truly grateful to you Mario.   So without further ado, please welcome El Maestro!

No 1)  What is music to and for you?

 I discovered music at an early age because in my family we were “breathing” music theMario a whole day.  When I was four years old, I went for the first time on state.  For 20 minutes, I was singing and playing guitar in front of a few hundred people…  From that moment “I knew” that Music would be a big part of my life.  Almost all my memories are associated to Music.  I can’t imagine life without it, this is the philosophy in my life:  “Follow your Passion and love your Dreams”.

No.1  Que significa la Música para ti?

Descubrí la Música a muy temprana edad ya que en mi Familia se “respiraba” Música el dia entero.  A los 4 años subí por primera vez a un escenario, estuve durante 20 minutos cantando y tocando guitarra  

No.2)  What inspires you?

In my case, it comes from the fact that “shakes” my feelings, but as Picasso said: “When inspiration strikes, I want to find work because… 20% is inspiration and the remaining 80% is a result of the work, perseverance and effort, so… so it’s always good to have a piano around.  But lately, when that moment of inspiration happens and I’m not at home or in my recording studio, I can sing a melody and record it on my cell phone, and when I come home end the topic.  The important thig is not to lose those few seconds of pure inspiration!

 While obviously there are musicians who play to cater to customers or in a “totally cerebral way, constantly analyzing every musical moment…”  Definitely, this is not my way… Inspiration comes “from the soul not from the brain…!”

Mario bNo.2 Que es lo que te inspira ?

En mi caso proviene de hechos que “sacuden“ mis sentimientos, aunque como decía Picasso: “Cuando llegue la inspiración quiero que me encuentre trabajando, because …20  % es inspiración y el 80 restante es un resultado del trabajo, constancia y esfuerzo, so… por eso es muy bueno tener siempre un Piano cerca, aunque últimamente cuando llega ese momento de inspiración y no estoy en casa o en mi Estudio de Grabación puedo cantar una melodía y grabarla en mi cell phone, y cuando vuelvo a casa termino el tema… lo importante es no perder esos segundos de pura inspiración!!!

Aunque obviamente también hay músicos que componen por encargo o de una manera “totalmente cerebral”, analizando constantemente cada instante musical… definitivamente  “Esto nos es mi manera… La inspiración proviene “De alma no de la mente…”

No. 3)  When you are playing, creating where does it take you? Where does your mind (spirit) travel?

It leads me to that place that is between a tear and a smile when the music touches your soul… It is a totally magical moment…

No.3  Cuando creas, a dónde te lleva el proceso? Donde viaja tu mente (espíritu)?

Me lleva a ese lugar que está entre una lágrima y una sonrisa, cuando la Música te toca el alma ….es un momento totalmente magico……

No. 4)  Do you think music, visual art and health are related and if so, how doMario c you see this?

I absolutely agree!  “Creating Music” is a state of perfect synchronism where your soul and your body are in total harmony and, obviously, a happy spirit is not prone to major diseases: “a healthy mind in a sound body”.

No.4  Crees que la música y la salud están relacionadas de alguna manera? Si estás de acuerdo, como la vez?

Absolutamente de acuerdo! El “Crear Música” es un estado de perfecto Sincronismo donde se encuentran tu Alma y tu cuerpo en una total Armonía, y obviamente un Espiritu Feliz estará major predispuesto a no contraer enfermedades: “una mente sana en un cuerpo sano”

No 5)  How do you feel when you are playing? 

HAPPY !!!!!!!!! In order to express what I feel facing insurmountable odds, Music is my Life Instrument.

No.5 Como te sientes cuando estás creando?

FELIZ!!!!!!!!! Por poder expresar lo que siento a travéz de La Música que es  mi Instrumento de Vida.

No. 6)  When do you do your best work?

When I turn off the phone and I disconnect the Internet! Hahaaa!  Concentration and “focus” helps a lot to achieve the “magic moment.”  It requires total honesty with the music, I think that sets us apart…

Mario dNo.6   Cuando haces tu mejor trabajo?

Cuando apago el telefono y me desconecto de Internet!!! Hahaaa!!  La concentración y estar “focus”  ayuda muchisimo a lograr el “momento mágico”. Se requiere de una honestidad total para con la Música, creo que eso nos diferencia…

No. 7)  Do you identify with your music and if so, on what level?

When I approach a theme from “ground zero” I hear  “sounds” in my head first..  “dimensions, colours, tones, hues and shapes” begin to appear, which later transform  into  a musical language.  It is very difficult to explain in words because it is something very deep and personal.

No.7  Te identificas con tu tema? Si lo haces, a que nivel?

Cuando encaro un tema desde el “ground zero” esto “suena” primero en mi cabeza; allí  comienzan a aparecer “dimensiones, colores, timbres, tonos y formas” que luego se trasladan al lenguaje Musical. Es muy dificil de explicar con palabras ya que es algo muy profundo y personal.

No. 8)  Does creating, playing music help you to connect with your higher self, whatever that may be for you? 

Yes, that “moment” cannot be forced to happen,  you must simply be connected to your higher self and your being  becomes  one with  the listener .

No. 8  El crear Música te conecta con tu “ser elevado”  (lo que eso sea/signifique para ti)?

Si, ese “momento” no se puede forzar a que suceda, simplemente hay que estar “conectado”Mario &  Al, Buenos Aires 2010 a ese “ser elevado” y tú ser solamente una conexion con el oyente…

No. 9)  Some people seem to think that the school system kills creativity.  How do you feel about that?

Well, there is some truth in that.  I think in the 70’s s there were no computers or Internet, creation was something more “traditional” if you’ll excuse the term.  Today, there are hundreds of groups and singers who “sound” like others…

A few years ago, we played with Al Di Meola in a mjor U.S. University and during the “sound check” the students were sitting back taking note of what we were playing.  Within ten minutes, they left all their papers aside, closed their eyes and listened… we were very happy to see them react this way, to “enjoy” and stop analyzing.

No. 9   Algunos dicen que el sistema educativo trunca la creatividad. Cuál es tu opinion al respeto?

Bien, hay algo de cierto en eso, creo que en los 70´ como no habia computadoras ni Internet, la creación era algo mas “artesanal” si se me permite el termino. Hoy en dia hay cientos de grupos y cantantes que “suenan” igual a otros…

Hace unos años tocamos con Al Di Meola en una Universidad muy importante de U.S.A., y durante el “sound check” estaban los alumnos sentados tomando nota de lo que estabamos tocando, a los 10 minutos todos dejaron sus papeles de lado y cerraron los ojos para escuchar…al ver esa reacción nos sentimos muy felices de poder llevarlos a “disfrutar” y dejaran de analizarnos…

6056_106784539887_635174887_2194433_3502640_MARIO PARMISANOnNo. 10)  What would be a simple solution?

I think Music Education is extremely necessary,  without it, music would be very primitive . We must put technology at the service of the musician , for example to practice solos, or to perform musical arrangements that are then interpreted by musicians, etc. . in other words .. not to be slaves to the machines … I love that beautiful feeling of composing and arranging a score on piano from paper and a pencil…

The technical study  allows a talented musician to have  no limits when it comes to  playing his  instrument and thus give the best of himself,  and to offer his soul to the listener, and to hold this magical relationship through music!!!

 No.10  Si estás de acuerdo con que el sistema está matando la creatividad, que sugieres como una simple solución?

Creo es sumamente necesaria la Educación Musical, ya que sin esto sería una cosa muy primitiva; debemos usar la tecnologia para que esté al servicio del Músico, por ejemplo para practicar solos, o realizar arreglos musicales para luego ser interpretados por los Músicos, etc.. en otras palabras.. no ser esclavos de las Máquinas… amo esa hermosa sensación de componer y /o arreglar un tema en el Piano, desde el papel y con un lápiz…

El estudio y la técnica permiten que un Músico con talento no tenga limites a la hora de ejecutar su instrumento y de esa manera llegar a la major version de si mismo, para brindar su alma al oyente, y asi cerrar esa mégica relación a travez de LA MÚSICA.

Mario, I want to thank you so very much for your generosity, your talent and your great music.  It has been a privilege and an honour.  I wish all the best all your endeavours.  Until we meet again, be blessed!


You are cordially invited to visit Mario’s links to hear more of his incredible music and to get to know more as well about this wonderful human being!  Enjoy and thank you for your comments!

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Filed in: MUSIC • Friday, July 22nd, 2011


Enjoyed your music and article. What a marvelous way to start life…breathing music..could be such a different world..if only…thanks for sharing

Extended time, supervised pauses, use of a great audiocassette model, calculator, scribe, along with, in a few occasions, an individual place intended for assessment.
.-= go to´s last 1 ..1 =-.


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My name is Michele Andree. I am an artist, I paint musicians in action. I think I’m a musician at heart, my instrument being… a brush, so I play…brush and I paint… music.
I love jazz. I call it freedom music. It promotes special values. I love intelligent people and good conversations.

Some people ask me how music relates to art. Personally I find they go hand in hand. Music is what turns me on to painting. It makes me see colours