By likemindblog



Laughter With Friends

One of the ways that we feel connected with some of our dearest friends is through the sharing of ridiculously funny experiences that define our relationships.

Laughter also helps create new friendships. Have you ever had a preconceived notion about someone, only to have that turned upside down as you and the person broke out laughing together over the same joke?

When we laugh with old friends, we renew and strengthen our bonds. Have you ever connected with someone from your past and it seemed as though you had never lost touch? Sharing a common bond and laughing about mutual stories can help to restore a dormant friendship.

Laughing with good friends can also be liberating. With a circle of friends in your vicinity, you can feel comfortable that your hearty stomach-wrenching laughter will be shared by all!

Try these ways to enjoy a good laugh with your friends:

1. Leave the kids at home and go out. Have a family member or babysitter take care of the kids for the night and treat yourself to drinks, dinner, appetizers, or dessert, while you connect with your friends.

2. Invite your friends to a house party. Have your friends come over with a favorite food to share. Or host a catalog party where it’s half socializing and half shopping.

3. Start a game night. This can also work wonders with your family, but can be funnier when playing adult-themed games.

Laughter While Networking

Trying to break the ice at a networking event can be difficult. People are nervous because they don’t know one another and they’re concerned with making a good impression for potential friends, business partners, or customers.

If you’re the host of a networking event, it would be a good idea to build in some ice-breaking activities that will put people at ease. After all, when people laugh together, they’re more inclined to take steps to get to know one another better.

Of course, beware that your jokes aren’t offensive. You also don’t want to try too hard to be funny. Working too hard may make things uncomfortable for others.


A good ol’ fashioned chuckle is an easy and cost-free way to relieve tension.

Laughter can help make difficult family or work situations more bearable.

If you’re using laughter to break the ice for guests, be wary of their comfort level.

Select one or two games where big laughter occurs, but don’t be too adamant about creating a big laugh every time.

If you have tender relations at home, think about using laughter to set the mood before attempting to talk about more serious issues. Laughter won’t make problems disappear, but it can soften the mood, which can lead to more open communication.

Get in the habit of laughing more often! Use these tips as suggestions to get you started and you’ll soon be finding more and more ways to enjoy your life!


We hope you have enjoyed this short book on the importance of laughter.  Your comments are always appreciated, thank you and enjoy!

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Filed in: Health • Friday, November 12th, 2010

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My name is Michele Andree. I am an artist, I paint musicians in action. I think I’m a musician at heart, my instrument being… a brush, so I play…brush and I paint… music.
I love jazz. I call it freedom music. It promotes special values. I love intelligent people and good conversations.

Some people ask me how music relates to art. Personally I find they go hand in hand. Music is what turns me on to painting. It makes me see colours