By likemindblog




TO THE READER :  Your active participation in this is invited.  You could also be featured in a future article on the subject.  In this article, I have compiled the answer to one question in my interviews to musicians and visual artists.  That question being:  Do you think music, visual art (painting) and health are related and if so, how?

 I will do this in two parts as there are too many answers.  So below is PART ONE of the answers from a few of my musician friends who participated in the project previously.  As you can see from these answers, although none of these people know each other they all seem to think that a relation does exists.  We are all very much concerned with health and wellness.  Many of us are also more and more inclined to explore new ways, alternatives to traditional medicine, and drugs that harm more than heal.

 Musicians are speaking from their own experience as musicians playingyellowbrain their instrument.  Now your point of view as a listener, a music lover is also very important therefore I ask you the same question.  Please do not hesitate to enlighten us with your thoughts on the matter, that is the whole purpose of this exercise. 

 Do you think music, visual art (painting) and health are related and if so, how?

_  « Absolutely. As a composer and pianist, I worked together with Marta Bressi, a fantastic visual artist from Argentina, and together we created Minds of Glass, a 43 minute experimental video art project containing 11 sequences of sound and visual composition. You can check some samples at If you can balance sound and vision in a conscious way, I am convinced that may people would benefit from its consequences. Sound and vision – when combined with precision and integrity – do have healing capacities, in my opinion.»  Dirk Schreur.

_ « Everything that is perceptible in this world is that which is ultimately the result of the vibration of subtle energies.  The only thing that distinguishes you from me at any given moment is merely the location in space and time of the complement of frequencies at which subtle energy vibrates.  All that exists is related as the subtle energy itself remains undifferentiated.  Distinction is purely a matter of “vibrational” frequency.

The “health” of a given entity is maintained when one is exposed to stimuli which resonate at frequencies that are complementary to the entity’s fundamental vibration; as such frequencies form a harmonic and thus reinforcing relationship with the entity.  Examples of such relationships can be found in the strengthening of one’s appearance by wearing a particular colour; or the heightened resonance of a singer’s voice when one sings in a particular key.»  Tony Bunn.

_ «Absolutely…  music, visual art and health are all relative while at the same time extremely therapeutic.  Music and visual arts promotes a true sense of personal gratification and creative expression for the artistic individual as well as the general populace who appreciate these art forms. These two aspects play a notable influence on both, mood and emotion, further demonstrating how our mental disposition can directly affect our physical wellbeing.»  Maurice Johnson.

76ac7e05 concert  I believe they are. I see musicians such as Roy Haynes, Hank Jones, Jimmy Heath, Curtis Fuller and they are full of life. The older they got, the more they play, the younger they seem. It’s the modern day fountain of youth if you ask me. Thru history eyes we all know they’re a lot of artist out there who have lived life to the fullest, yet they are still with us when we all know we probably should have lost them in the 70’s or 80’s. Names I will not divulge, but I fear if they were to ever stop playing or performing their health would dissipate in order catch up with them. Not everyone in this world wakes up and enjoy their job, we do, therefore, I know it’s one of the leading reason why longevity is among entertainers.»  Willerm Delisfort.

­_«  There is a huge coherence between art and your physically/mental condition. I’ve realized it many times over and over again. When you keep yourself healthy, go to the gym, exercise and eat healthy you build a strong stamina and endurance which are crucial to being productive. Consequently, the more you study, practice and work,  the easier your journey will become towards being successful. Most artists avoid this factor not realizing the immense affect on their subconscious. We, musicians, are spoiled and we often forget that however music awards us comes from however we deal with ourselves.» Arshak Sirunyam.

_«  I know music and visual arts are related but it  doesn’t really resonate with me that much as opposed to the  health relation to music. There is the physical nature of using your lungs and learning how to breathe and just the energy it takes to play an instrument. Then there is the mental side of music that is so amazingly healthy. I can’t imagine my life without music.  Playing and or listening to music forces you to think and feel things that you may not allow yourself to feel. It reminds you of times in your life, situations in your life etc. etc. » Cory Weeds.

_«  Yes I do… especially psychologically. I think the arts are fundamental in aiding in the treatment depression. It definitely was for me! There have been numerous studies that show the arts are good for the development of infant and adolescent minds. Anything that causes wonder and can give hope and expand the mind is good for you!» Patrick Terbrack.

_« Music and visual art are different “languages” capable of expressing the same ideas, and appreciation of either, or both, can lead to a healthier mental state. Both allow a person to feel emotions somewhat artificially, and can bring feelings ranging from cleansing calm to joyous euphoria.

When I am feeling sad, art can serve as a “pick me up” or can help me release my feelings, and when I am happy it can amplify the pre-existing positive emotions. While I am sure a healthy life is possible without music or visual art, both are powerful tools that can and should be utilized daily for enjoyment, relaxation, and mental expansion.»  Parker Grant.

_« Definitely. The constant mental effort needed to create fresh and newb204131275 happy music keeps our minds and spirit sharp. Therefore, by creating NEW music or art we do not fall into a state of mental atrophy. It is in my opinion that state of mind regulates state of health. If one only repeats the same old art over and over again then this simple principal ceases to work. »  David Rizk.

You are invited to leave your answer to the question.  Please stay tuned for part 2 next week.  ENJOY!

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Filed in: Health • Friday, April 16th, 2010


I have read the articles and comments by the wonderful and magical musicians and artists here and find them inspiring. They are inspiring to the point of stirring the lost longing to pick up the pencil, brush, find the piano of old. Poetry has become my creative expression, but I still miss the visual and music.

We can just look at the word disease and see that it is just that dis- ease. The damning of the flow that cleanses and heals our spirit and body is agonizing. “Life” happens to us all. We find ourselves separated from our creativity, longing to get back to where we belong.

What I would really like to see through comments and input from the great wealth of knowledge available here is:

1.What do you do once, for whatever reason, you find yourself outside the circle looking in?
2.Do you have a story to share that will be just what someone needs to get going again?
3.What can you share in tips, tricks, and advice that will help others to “let it flow”?

This best part of this is that in sharing you get to share in all the creative efforts of those you help. There will always be a piece of you in the work of those guided back to the “place”.

I want to thank Michele for her articles and concern in heath and creativity. She unselfishly spends many hours sharing and caring for this beautiful, informative site.
.-= Cecelia Gay´s last blog ..Journey to Life =-.


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My name is Michele Andree. I am an artist, I paint musicians in action. I think I’m a musician at heart, my instrument being… a brush, so I play…brush and I paint… music.
I love jazz. I call it freedom music. It promotes special values. I love intelligent people and good conversations.

Some people ask me how music relates to art. Personally I find they go hand in hand. Music is what turns me on to painting. It makes me see colours