By likemindblog

Daniel Victor


“Night time leads the Artist’s hand towards the lines of his imagination and when he awakes, the colours and feelings of his inspiration take shape.”

What a perfect way to describe Daniel Victor’s masterpieces than with his own words.  Looking at his art leaves me in awe, unable to do anything except open wide my eyes and see… see the intensity, the same intensity that is reflected in Daniel’s gaze.

Daniel Victor, welcome!

Thank you for allowing us a glimpse into your world.  My first question is:

1)  What is art for you?

To give a definition of what Art is would be presumptuous on my part…

Art is vast.

But, to me, Art is the personal expression of the world rendered thru the eye of one individual.

We all perceive and interpret the world around us with our own personal vision of things.

Each our very own.


But, sometimes, comes along a creator, writer, singer or poet that touches us with a universal, yet unique vision of things… Da Vinci, Spielberg, Mozart, Disney, only to name a few.  These Artists are remembered mostly because they have shared their unique visions of things with us, and, we recognized it. Sometimes, the creation is purely universal (1) other times, it is more subtle…it wakes up hidden emotions …Confronted with it, we react one way or the other…

A few years ago, at an exhibition in New York, I met with hundreds of people, young and old, from all walks of life. I was showing some pieces inspired by Dante’s Purgatorio(2). These pieces were so strong emotionally and visually, that they acted like a mirror.  Each individual that came across them had a very different impression and interpretation of the various pieces. They made me realize, after many years of practice, that the way people perceive a piece of Art tells a lot about them and their state of mind.


What inspires you the most to paint?

2- I get most of my inspiration when I dream. I always have some pencils and a sketch pad beside my bed. So, after a dream, I awake in the middle of the night, and I do some quick sketches to remember the images, to remember the essence of my dream. Would I wait until morning to do it, and all would have vanished from my memory…like most, we forget our dreams.

So, I find most of my themes and subject in my dreams.

Also, but, more rarely, a face, an expression or a model can inspire me.

3:  When you are in the process of painting, where does it take you?  I mean where does your mind travel?

3-There are two parts to your question.

First, I have to draw, to study and to sketch the future painting that I bare in my mind… This takes more time than the actual painting part. Sometimes weeks.  Months. The drawing part, to find the right angle, the right detail, the right choices for composition, is the structure and soul of a painting. I have this image in my mind, and, I have to put it down, but, it is not an exact science.

It has to carry the feeling, the emotion I had when I dreamt it, so, it can sometimes be a long way to get from a blank canvas to the vision of my dreams.

Secondly, when the actual drawing is completed on the canvas, and that I am satisfied with every detail, I can proceed to finally paint it.   When I am in the process of painting, I am very enthusiastic,  very lively, because it is the fun part of  painting.  I close all the phones,  and I listen to very loud music.  My mind is in a state where I feel very comfortable, spacey, to be honest, I feel liberated from the image.  I feel free.  I would compare it to meditation, where no thought or worries exist.  Only the joy of being.  Of creating.  Of letting go…

5)  Do you feel painting, music and health are related and in what way?  Have you witnessed a good example of it?

5-Not only do I think they are related, but, I believe everything is related.

I have to admit that I share some recent physic’s research toward the tissue of life.

So, yes, they are all related, simply because we are living beings, living things, extremely limited to our few senses and perceptions. As physician David Bohm puts it, matter is light, and matter is, simply explained, condensed light!!

6) You say you get your inspiration in a dream, sometimes but rarely in a face, or an expression.  Do you identify with your subjects?  Obviously it is part of your subconscious expressing itself or recognizing itself in another face or emotion when it happens.  Would you say your art is the expression of your “higher self“?

6- I often take part in the dreams, but I very seldom identified to the subject. I am a witness. I don’t know about higher self. The field of dreams is way beyond my comprehension of things…but I can say I have seen both the Past, and the Future…

7)  You say you put on loud music and paint to your heart’s content, how does music help you paint?

7-Music is an Art that helps you go with the flow when it is used the way a monk would do a mantra. The mantra is the oriental version of the our prayer.

The state of mind I am in is very similar to that when I paint.

Music is essential to my work. I carefully choose the music that will suit best with the thematic of the painting I am working on. It can be Rap, Gregorian, Glazounov, Cirque du Soleil or U2.

I relate very strongly to music.

In fact, I think I would have been a better musician than a painter.

But, again, it is all about the emotion carried.

Music has a direct, subtle or not, effect on the listener.

I try to get the same blunt effect in my paintings.

That is why I rarely do a scenery, or paint a décor for my figures. I paint the figures’ universe, not the universe of the figures!!

Painting any kind of backgrounds would be so much simple to do, but, I believe I would over stimulate people’s senses… I prefer bluntness in the impact of the painted eyes, the emotion in a twisted finger, or the sadness in an embrace….Like music, painting offers different choices, in tones, colors, dimension, proportions, etc, etc.. that are all aimed at getting the emotion thru.

8) When do you do your best work?

8- I do my best work when the image has matured and is ready to be drafted.

No specific time is required, but, certainly not when I just woke up!!!

Thank you so much for sharing with us.  I look forward to seeing more of your brilliant work and I wish you all the best.  It will be a pleasure to speak with you again soon.


To see more of  Daniel Victor’s incredible artwork, please visit his website at:


  1. Mormorio Oil on canvas
  2. Nessuno Oil on canvas
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Filed in: ART • Friday, October 9th, 2009


I have truly enjoyed your art and insights in this interview. Your comment on people’s perception of a piece was particularly meaningful. As a poet I struggle with this concept and am realizing the value in your words. Thank you so much for sharing with us. Cecelia
.-= Cecelia Gay´s last blog ..Uh Oh!! =-.

By Isabelle Sauvineau on October 14th, 2009 at 7:48 pm

Hi Daniel,
I know you from Artbreak, I really love your art that is simply amazing, gracious and beautiful. I hope have the honour to meet you once and see your art in real.
Isabelle Sauvineau

By Ninon Grand-Landau on October 14th, 2009 at 8:07 pm

Love your art, lots of realism! Would love to attend an exhibition of yours!

This article has allowed me to view your art with “different” eyes as you share with me your very personal perception and even part of your dreams.
I want you to know how much I appreciate this and how privileged I feel that you so generously and graciously accepted to be part of this project.
Be blessed, my friend!
.-= Michele Andree Lemieux´s last blog ..HEALTH AND WELLNESS TOPIC =-.

I believe any time it is possible to help a person with a home project it really is great to do . With thanks and definitely sure lots are grateful for the help and advice .


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My name is Michele Andree. I am an artist, I paint musicians in action. I think I’m a musician at heart, my instrument being… a brush, so I play…brush and I paint… music.
I love jazz. I call it freedom music. It promotes special values. I love intelligent people and good conversations.

Some people ask me how music relates to art. Personally I find they go hand in hand. Music is what turns me on to painting. It makes me see colours